Several diffent granulometic instruments, which are operated nowadays worldwide, were develped and/or optimised in cooperation with the Research Group of Mechanical Engingeering. These include the prototypes of the following measuring devices:
- Furnace Dust Monitor (STM 225, AFRISO-EURO-INDEX GmbH, Güglingen, Deutschland)
- Furnace Dust Monitor (SMG 100, SAXON Junkalor GmbH, Dessau-Roßlau, Deutschland)
- Engine Exhaust Monitor (DPM1.0, SAXON Junkalor GmbH, Dessau-Roßlau, Deutschland)
- Ultrafine Particle Monitor (UFP Model 3031, TSI Inc., Shoreview, USA)
- Laser Aerosol Particle Sizer (LAP, Topas GmbH, Dresden, Deutschland)
- prior Partikelanalysesystem - Lichtstreuung (PAS-LS, Wissenschaftlicher Gerätebau der TU-Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland)
- Particle Counter for Liquids (FAS, Topas GmbH, Dresden, Deutschland)
- prior Weißlichtextinktionssensor (PA87/1 & PA88/1, Wissenschaftlicher Gerätebau der TU-Dresden, Dresden, Deutschland)