The results of our research activities are presented continiously on national (e.g. ProcessNet) and international (e.g. EAC, IAC, PARTEC, PSA, WCPT) congresses. If possible, the contents of the presentations are published in conference proceedings.
Fundamental foundings are published as journal articles as well as bookchapters and books or safed by patents.
Papers in scientific journals
The embedding of our publication list from the Research Portal (FIS) does not work currently, for which reason we have to continue the list manually. We apologise, that the list might be not always up-to-date.
N. Krueger, K. Weber, N. Warfving, A. Vitali, J. Nolde, T. Schuster, G. G. Bruer, O. Creutzenberg, B. Wessely, M. Stintz, V. Moise, M. Kellert. Physical obstruction of nasal cavities with subsequent asphyxia, causes lethality of rats in an acute inhalation study with hydrophobic hmdz surface-treated synthetic amorphous silica (SAS). Front. Public Health, 10 (in press), 2022; doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.907078 |
B. Wessely, M. Stintz, J. Nolde, O. Creutzenberg. Experimental study on the transport and alteration behavior of aerosols from low density powders for acute inhalation toxicology studies. Front. Public Health, 10 (in press), 2022; doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.907202 |
J. R. Buggisch, D. Göhler, J. Sobilo, S. Lerondel, G. A. Rezniczek, M. Stintz, A. Rudolph, N. Tabchouri, S. Roger, M. Ouaissi, U. Giger-Pabst. Development and technical validation of an ultrasound nebulizer to deliver intraperitoneal pressurized aerosols in a rat colon cancer peritoneal metastases model. BMC Cancer, 22:570 (13 pp.), 2022; doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09668-0 |
J. Yi, L. Ciarella, V. Shamraienko, F. Babick, D. Borin, M. Scharff, J. Ni, K. Wilson, A. Richter, M. Henke. Fabrication of piezoresistive devices based on dielectric elastomers via ultrasonic spraying. Proc. SPIE, 12042: 1204209 (17 pp.) 2022; doi: 10.1117/12.2611720 |
D. Göhler, A. Geldner, R. Gritzki, F. Lohse, S. Große, J. Sobilo, C. Felsmann, J. R. Buggisch, A. Le Pape, A. Rudolph, M. Stintz, U. Giger-Pabst. Development of a rat capnoperitoneum phantom to study drug aerosol deposition in the context of anticancer research on peritoneal carcinomatosis. Sci. Rep., 11(1):21843 (12 pp.), 2021; doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-01332-0 |
A. Koch, P. Bergelt, P. Fiala, U. Käfer, J. Orasche, S. Bauer, S. Di Bucchianico, M. Stintz, T. Gröger, T. Streibel, R. Zimmermann. Investigation of chemical composition and fiber-occurrence in inhalable particulate matter obtained from dry cutting processes of carbon fiber reinforced concrete composite, concrete and the carbon fiber reinforcement materials. Aerosol Sci. Eng., 5(3):292-306, 2021; doi: 10.1007/s41810-021-00103-8 |
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