Publications 1995
K. Brand, C.Suryanarayana, B. Kieback, F.H. Froes
Phase Formation during Ball Milling of Ti-Al-B Powders
Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials
ISMANAM-95, Quebec, July 24-28, 1995
W. Glatz, H. Clemens, Th. Jüngling, B. Kieback
SiC- and Al 2 O 3 -fibre/matrix interface reactions of gamma titanium aluminide based intermetallic matrix composites during manufacture and additional heat treatments
Proc. of the 1995 European Conference on Advanced PM Materials, Vol. 1, (1995), 501-508
M. Joensson, B. Kieback
Highly porous sintered parts with a pore size gradient made by centrifugal powder metallurgy
B. Ilschner, N. Cheradi (Eds.): Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural &Functional Gradient Materials,
Lausanne (1995), S. 33-39
M. Joensson, B. Kieback
Pore structure gradients in the development of powder metallurgy parts with structural or concentration gradients
Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Conf.on Composite Engineering (ICCE/2), New Orleans,1995, ed. by D Hui: Intern.
Community for Composites Engineering and College of Engineering, University of New Orleans (1995), 365
Werkstoffe und Bauteile mit gradiertem Aufbau durch Pulvermetallurgie
Hagener Symposium Pulvermetallurgie 16.-17.November 1995
in H. Kolaska (Hrsg.): Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 11,
"Neue und optimierte Werkstoffe: Pulvertechnologische Wege in die Zukunft" (1995),81-100
Th. Jüngling, J. Brombach, B. Kieback
Ceramic-metal functional gradient materials by sedimentation
B. Ilschner, N. Cherradi (Eds.):
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural & Functional Gradient Materials, Lausanne (1995), 161-166
Th. Jüngling, I.Morgenthal, B. Kieback
Development of technology for manufacturing structural parts from TiAl based intermetallics by reactive powder metallurgy
Proc. of the 1995 European Conference on Advanced PM Materials, Vol. 1, (1995),509-516
Th. Jüngling, B. Kieback, W. Glatz, H. Clemens
Fibre Matrix Reactions during Manufacturing of gamma-TiAl Based Metal Matrix Composites Gamma Titanium Aluminides (ISGTA'95) Ed. Y.W. Kim, R. Wagner and M.Yamaguchi. The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (1995), 627-634
B. Kieback, W.Heider, R. Scholl
Silizide als Werkstoffe für Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen
H. Kolaska (Hrsg.): Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 11,
"Neue und optimierte Werkstoffe: Pulvertechnologische Wege in die Zukunft", (1995),251-273
Ch. Sauer, W.Püsche, B. Kieback, A. Pohl, G. Petzow
Dispersion-Strengthened Cu-Ti Alloys
Tagungsband: Intern. Conf. on Aerospace, Defense & Demanding Applications, Anaheim, California, 08.- 10.05.1995
Ch. Sauer, W. Püsche, B. Kieback, A. Pohl, G. Petzow
Dispersion-Strengthened Cu-Ti-Alloys - New High-Performance Cu Alloys
Tagungsband EUROMAT 95. 4th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes (Vol. 1, 145- 158), Padua/Venice, Italy, 25.-28.09.1995
Ch. Sauer, W.Püsche, B. Kieback, A. Pohl, G. Petzow
Manufacturing, Microstructure and Properties of Dispersion and Precipitation Hardened PM Copper Alloys
Tagungsband: Sintering '95, 6th Intern. Symp. on the Science and Technology of Sintering, Haikou, China,23.-25.10.1995
R. Scholl, Th. Jüngling, B. Kieback
Pressureless Sintering of MoSi 2 -Materials
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 364 (1995), 931-936 Deutsch