Veröffentlichungen 1996
Birth U, Kieback B, Pischang K
Differential Sintering of Metal Powders with Geometrical and Chemical Inhomogenities
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.3, Part 11, 159-166
Böhm A, Jüngling T, Kieback B
Swelling effects and densification during reaction sintering of Ti-Al elemental powder mixtures
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.3, Part 10, 51-58
Böhme C, Joensson M, Kieback B
Modification of Particle Contact Region in a Permeable Copper Base Alloy by Variation of Processing Variables
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.3,Part 11, 151-158
Böhme C, Joensson M, Kieback B
The Influence of Porosity on the Properties of Permeable Dispersion strengthened Copper
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on P`wder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.4,Part 14, 95-102
Böhme C, Kieback B, Keinath W, Dürdoth P
Atomization of heterogeneous Copper Base Material by the Plasma Rotating Electrode Process
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.1, Part 1, 81-86
Brand K, Suryanarayana C, Kieback B F, Fores F H
Phase Formation during mechanical Alloying and hot isostatic pressing of TiAlB Powders
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.1, Part 2, 49-58
Joensson M, Kieback B
Gradients of components with a high melting point difference
In: Proceed. of the Fourth International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials FGM`96, AIST Tsukuba Research Center, Tsukuba, Japan, October 1996
Jüngling T, Morgenthal I, Kieback B, Glatz W, Clemens H
Faser-Matrix-Reaktionen bei der Herstellung langfaserverstärkter TiAl-Verbundwerkstoffe
In: G. Ziegler (Ed.): Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft Verlag, Oberursel (1996), 35-38
Jüngling T, Morgenthal I, Scholl R, Kieback B
Pulvermetallurgische Werkstoffe für Hochtemperaturanwendungen
In: Kurzfassungen der Vorträge INNOMATA 96 (7.5.-9.5.96 Dresden), DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt/Main (1996), 154-155
Kieback B, Kubsch H
Nanocrystalline Composite Materials obtained by High Energy Ball Milling and HIP
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.1,Part 2, 89-96
Kieback B, Lotze G, Stephani G, Weißgärber T
Properties of Dispersion-Strengthened Copper Materials Manufactured by High Energy Milling
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.1, Part 3, 47-53
Löschau W, Nowotny F T, Wieters K-P, Kieback B
Laser-Kurzzeit-Sintern von hochschmelzenden metallischen Verbundpulvern zum Rapid-Prototyping von Bauteilen und Werkstoffen
In: ECLAT`96, Stuttgart 1996; 919-926
Löschau W, Nowotny S, Wieters K-P, Kieback B
Liquid-phase sintering of composite powders by using a laser for Rapid Prototyping of refractory metallic parts
In: Stuttgarter Messe- und Kongreß-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart: Rapid Product Development 1996. International Conference on Rapid Product Development. Tagungsband. Stuttgart, 1996, 165-174
Pischang K, Böhm A, Kieback B
Synthesis and Properties of the ternary intermetallic Phase Fe 12 Ti 5 Si 3
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.4, Part 15, 27-31
Sauer Ch, Weissgaerber T, Puesche W, Dehm G, Mayer J, Kieback B
Investigation into High Temperature Creep of Microcrystalline Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloys
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.4, Part 14, 8-94
Schneider L, Brombach J, Kieback B
Preparation and Properties of PM- Copper Aluminium Alloys for tribological Applications
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.4, Part 14, 65-79
Scholl R, Jüngling T, Büttner T, Kieback B
Manufacturing of reactive Sintered Titanium Silicides
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.4, Part 14, 143-153
Weißgärber T, Gruner W, Oswald S, Dehm G, Sauer Ch, Kieback B
Study of Carbide Formation in a Mechanically Alloyed Copper-Titanium-Graphite Blend
In: Proc. of the 1996 World Congress on Powder Metallurgie & Particulate Materials, Washington,D.C. (1996), Vol.1, Part 2, 59-68
Weißgärber T, Sauer Ch, Müller F, Heilmaier M, Püsche W, Kieback B
High Temperature Creep of Microcrystalline TiC Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloys
In: Proc. of the International Conference "Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials, 1996, Vol. 2, 163-170
Wieters, K-P, Löschau W, Kieback B, Nowotny S
Lasersintern von metallischen Verbundpulvern für das Rapid Prototyping
In: DGM Hauptversammlung, Stuttgart 1996, Proc.
Wieters K-P, Kieback B, Löschau W
Laser Sintering of Composite Metal Powders
In: PM2TEC'96, World Conference, Washington DC, Proc.Vol.15