Veröffentlichungen 2003
Böhm A, Weißgärber T, Lotze G, Kieback B
Model for Calculation of Swelling Effects in Ti-Al System During Transistent Liquid Phase Sintering
In: Proceedings of PM TEC, part 4, 2003, 100-107
Büttner T, Böhm A, Böhm H-D, Weißgärber T, Kieback B
Pulvermetallurgisch hergestellte Sputtertargets für die Dünnschichttechnik
In: Werkstoffe 2 (2003)
Kieback B, Neubrand A, Riedel H
Processing techniques for functionally graded materials
Materials Science and Engineering A362 (2003), 81-105
Kieback B, Stephani G, Weißgärber T, Schubert T, Waag U, Böhm A, Andersen O, Göhler H, Reinfried M
Powder Metallurgy for Light Weight and Ultra-Light Weight Materials
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, Vol. 10 No. 6 (2003), 383-389
Kieback B, Weißgärber T
In: Tagungsband des Hagener Symposiums, Bd. 19, 2003, 243-263
Kolobov Yu R, Kieback B, Ivanov K V, Weißgärber T, Girsova N V, Pochivalov Yu I, Grabovetskaya G P, Ivanov M B, Kazyhanov V U, Alexandrov I V
The structure and microhardness evolution in submicrocrystalline molybdenum processed by severe plastic deformation followed by annealing
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 21 (2003), 69-73
Nöthe M, Pischang K, Ponizil P, Kieback B, Ohser J
Investigation of sintering processes by microfocus tomography (µ-CT)
In: Proc. International Symposium on Computed Tomography and Image Processing for Industrial Radiology 23-25.6.2003 . Berlin
Schubert T, Böhm A, Zumdick M, Kieback B
Reaktionspulvermetallurgische Herstellung von Silizidkompositen auf Molybdänbasis
In: Tagungsband "Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde", 2003, 224-229
Staab T, Krause-Rehberg R, Kieback B
Defects in fine-grained and porous materials characterized by positron annihilation
In: Nippon Genshiryoku Kenkyujo JAERI (2003), Conference Proceedings, 2003, 95-101
Weißgärber T, Böhm A, Schubert T, Kieback B
Composites based on Metals and Intermetallics recent developments at FhG-IFAM Dresden
In: Takeda, N. (Ed.): Expanded horizon in advanced materials and processing. Proceedings of the 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium. Vol.2: Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan, November 18-21, 2003. Tokyo: SAMPE, 2003, 933-936
Weißgärber T, Reinfried N, Böhm A, Kieback B
Preparation of NiTi Alloys by Powder Metallurgy using Elemental Powder
In: Proceedings of the PM TEC, part 6, 2003, 242-248
Weißgärber T, Schneider L, Kieback B
Iron based materials with improved oxidation resistance prepared by powder metallurgy
In: Euro PM 2003, Vol. 1, 211-216
Weißgärber T, Schubert T, Kieback B
Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe für passive Kühlkörper in der Elektronik
In: Tagungsband des Hagener Symposium, Bd. 19, 2003, 97-112