Veröffentlichungen 1995
Brand K, Suryanarayana C, Kieback B, Froes F H
Phase Formation during Ball Milling of Ti-Al-B Powders
In: Proc. of the 1995 International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials ISMANAM-95, Quebec, July 24-28, 1995
Glatz W, Clemens H, Jüngling T, Kieback B
SiC- and Al2O3-fibre/matrix interface reactions of gamma titanium aluminide based intermetallic matrix composites during manufacture and additional heat treatments
In: Proc. of the 1995 European Conference on Advanced PM Materials, Vol. 1, (1995), 501-508
Joensson M, Kieback B
Highly porous sintered parts with a pore size gradient made by centrifugal powder metallurgy
In: B. Ilschner, N. Cheradi (Eds.): Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural and Functional Gradient Materials, Lausanne (1995), 33-39
Joensson M, Kieback B
Pore structure gradients in the development of powder metallurgy parts with structural or concentration gradients
In: Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Conf.on Composite Engineering (ICCE/2), New Orleans,1995, ed. by D Hui: Intern. Community for Composites Engineering and College of Engineering, University of New Orleans (1995), 365
Jüngling T, Brombach J, Kieback B
Ceramic-metal functional gradient materials by sedimentation
In: B. Ilschner, N. Cherradi (Eds.): Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Structural & Functional Gradient Materials, Lausanne (1995), 161-166
Jüngling T, Morgenthal I, Kieback B
Development of technology for manufacturing structural parts from TiAl based intermetallics by reactive powder metallurgy
In: Proc. of the 1995 European Conference on Advanced PM Materials, Vol. 1, (1995),509-516
Jüngling T, Kieback B, Glatz W, Clemens H
Fibre Matrix Reactions during Manufacturing of gamma-TiAl Based Metal Matrix Composites
In: Gamma Titanium Aluminides (ISGTA'95) Ed. Y.W.Kim, R. Wagner and M.Yamaguchi. The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (1995), 627-634
Kieback B, Heider W, Scholl R
Silizide als Werkstoffe für Hochtemperatur-Anwendungen
In: H. Kolaska (Ed.): Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 11, "Neue und optimierte Werkstoffe: Pulvertechnologische Wege in die Zukunft" (1995),251-273
Richter V, Jüngling Th,Joensson M
Werkstoffe und Bauteile mit gradiertem Aufbau durch Pulvermetallurgie
In: H. Kolaska (Ed.): Pulvermetallurgie in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 11, "Neue und optimierte Werkstoffe: Pulvertechnologische Wege in die Zukunft" (1995),81-100
Sauer C, Püsche W, Kieback B, Pohl A, Petzow G
Dispersion-Strengthened Cu-Ti Alloys
In: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Aerospace, Defense & Demanding Applications, Anaheim, California, 08.- 10.05.1995
Sauer C, Püsche W, Kieback B, Pohl A, Petzow G
Dispersion-Strengthened Cu-Ti-Alloys - New High-Performance Cu Alloys
In: Proc. EUROMAT 95. 4th European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes, Padua/Venice, Italy, 25.-28.09.1995, Vol. 1, 145-158
Sauer C, Püsche W, Kieback B, Pohl A, Petzow G
Manufacturing, Microstructure and Properties of Dispersion and Precipitation Hardened PM Copper Alloys
In: Proc. Sintering '95, 6th Intern. Symp. on the Science and Technology of Sintering, Haikou, China,23.-25.10.1995
Scholl R, Jüngling T, Kieback B
Pressureless Sintering of MoSi 2 -Materials
In: Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Vol. 364 (1995), 931-936
Scholl R, Jüngling T, Kieback B
Ein neuer Weg zur Herstellung dichter Molybdaen-Disilizid-Werkstoffe
In: VDI BERICHT 1151 (1995) VDI- Werkstofftag. 1995