Publications 1997
R.Bernhardt, F. Meyer-Olbersleben, B. Kieback
Fundamental Investigation on the Preparation of Gradient Structures by Sedimentation of Different Powder Fractions under Gravity
Proc. of the 4 th Int. Conf.On Composite Engineering, July 6-12 1997, ICCE/4, Hawaii, Ed. David Hui
(1997), 147-148
A.Böhm, K. Pischang, B. Kieback
Processing and Properties of the New Intermetallic Phase Fe12Ti5Si3
Metall, Vol.51 (1997),554-556
C. Böhme, M. Joensson, B. Kieback, W. Keinath
Hochleitfähige, poröse Werkstoffe der Transpirationskühlung
Werkstoffwoche '96,Stuttgart, 28.-31.05.1996
in U. Koch (Hrsg.):Werkstoffe für die Verkehrstechnik, DGM Informationsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt, 1997, 197-202
M.Joensson, U. Birth, J. Schreiber, S. Fischer, B. Kieback
Non-Destructive Investigation and Calculation of Residual Stresses in W/Cu-Gradients produced by powder processing
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Composites Engineering, ICCE/4, Hawaii, July 6-12 1997, 495-496
B.Kieback, I. Morgenthal, Th. Jüngling
Neue Entwicklungen bei der pulvermetallurgischen Herstellung von TiAl-Bauteilen
Werkstoffwoche `96, Symposium 2: Werkstoffe für die Verkehrstechnik, Hrsg.: U. Koch, DGM-Informationsgesellschaft Verlag 1997, S. 95-100
I.Morgenthal, A. Böhm, R. Scholl, B. Kieback
Comparison of Different Elemental Powder Metallurgical Routes for Manufacturing of TiAl Samples by Reactive Sintering
Proc. of the 1997 European Conference on Advances in Structural PM Component Production, Munich, Germany, October 15-17,(1997), Vol. 1, p. 474-481
C.Sauer,T. Weißgärber, W. Püsche, B. Kieback, G. Dehm, J. Mayer
Manufacturing and properties of TiC dispersion strengthened copper alloys
5 th Int. Conference on Advanced Particulate Materials & Processes, West Palm Beach, Florida, April 1997
C.Sauer, Th. Weißgärber, W. Püsche, G. Dehm, J. Mayer, B. Kieback
High Temperature Creep of Microcrystalline Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloys
The International Journal of Powder Metallurgy,Vol. 33, No. 1, 1997, 45-53
W.Schatt (Hrsg.), K.-P. Wieters, B. Kieback (Coautor)
Powder Metallurgy-Processing and Materials
EPMA, Shrewsbury 1997
R.Scholl, P. Tsakiropoulos, A. Böhm, B. Kieback
Properties of refractory silicides and silicide composites densified by pressureless reactive sintering
Proc.of 1.Int. Lat.-American Conf. on PM, Sao Paulo (1997)
T.E.M. Staab, R. Krause-Rehberg, B.Vetter, B. Kieback
The influence of microstructure on the sintering process in crystalline metal powders investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy
Part I: Electrolytic and spherical copper powder
J.Phys.: Condens. Matter, November 1996
T.E.M. Staab, R. Krause-Rehberg, B.Vetter, B. Kieback
The influence of microstructure on the sintering process in crystalline metal powders investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy
Part II: Tungsten powder of different powder particle sizes
J.Phys.: Condens. Matter, November 1996
T.E.M. Staab, R. Krause-Rehberg, B.Vetter, B. Kieback
The influence of microstructure on the sintering process in crystalline metal powders investigated by positron lifetime spectroscopy
Part III: Nickel reducation powder
J.Phys.: Condens. Matter, November 1996
T. Weißgärber, C.Sauer, B. Kieback
Herstellung und Eigenschaften dispersionsverfestigter Kupferlegierungen
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Bd. 1, Jan.1997
T. Weißgärber, C.Sauer, W. Püsche, B. Kieback, G. Dehm, J. Mayer
Effect of process parameters on the microstructure and properties of TiC dispersion strengthened copper alloys
PM²TEC 97 Int. Conf. on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, Chicago, Juni 1997
T. Weißgärber, C.Sauer, B. Kieback
Properties of mechanically alloyed TiC dispersion strengthened copper alloys Proc.Of the 14 th Int. Plansee Seminar, Reutte (Tirol), Mai 1997
B. Kieback, V. V. Korolkov
Sintering Mechanism of Iron Powder with Microadditions of Boron
ISSN 1068-1302, 1997, Vol. 36, Nr. 9/10, S. 470 ff