Publications 2002
K. V. Ivanov, G. P. Grabovetskaya, Y. R. Kolobov, T. Weißgärber, B. Kieback
Combined use of powder metallurgy technologies and methods of severe plastic deformation to obtain advanced nanostructured materials
Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Deformation and Fracture in Structural PM Materials, 15.-18.09.2002, Stara Lesna, p247-254
B. Kieback, H. Hubsch, A. Böhm, M. Zumdick, T. Weißgärber
Synthesis of Intermetallics and Nano composites by High Energy Milling
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2002, p416-421
Y. R. Kolobov, B. Kieback*, K. V. Ivanov, T. Weißgärber*, G. P. Grabovetskaya, N. V. Girsova, R. K. Islamgaliev**
Structure and mechanical properties of powder Ni- and Cu-based nanocomposites produces by severe plastic deformation
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on composite materials "Composites for the future", June 3- 7, 2002 Brugge, Belgium
M. Nöthe, K. Pischang, P. Ponizil, R. Bernhardt, B. Kieback
3-D Analysis of the sinter processes by X-ray computer tomography
Proceeding of PM Congress 2002, Orlando (USA), June 16-21 2002, Part 13, p176-184
T. Schubert, A. Böhm, B. Kieback, M. Achtermann, R. Scholl
Effects of high energy milling on densification behaviour of Mo-Si powder mixtures during pressureless sintering
Intermetallics 10 (2002), p873-878
T. Schubert, A. Böhm, B. Kieback, V. Güther, R. Scholl
Sintern von Verbundwerkstoffen mit intermetallischer Matrix
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 33 (2002), 4, p200-203
Kwang-Min Lee, Ji-Sung, Seung-Ick Lee, Ji-Soon Kim, T. Weißgärber, B. Kieback
Microstructural Characteristics and Thermal Expansion Coefficient of AIN-Cu Nanocomposite
Materials prepared by solid state processing Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 11, No. 10 (2001), p863-868
T. Weißgärber, C. Sauer, B. Kieback
Nanodispersion-Strengthened Metallic Materials
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2002, p441-448
Don M. Kupp, Kati Flemmig & T. Dennis Claar
Processing of Controlled Porosity Titanium-Based Materials
PM 2002 World Congress
Don M. Kupp, T. Dennis Claar, K. Flemmig, U. Waag and H. Göehler
Novel Techniques for Fabrication of Titanium Aluminide Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) for Aerospace Applications
PM 2002 World Congress