Publications 2003
M. Nöthe, K. Pischang, P. Ponizil, B. Kieback. J. Ohser
Investigation of sintering processes by microfocus tomography (µ-CT)
Proc. International Symposium on Computed Tomography and Image Processing for Industrial Radiology
23-25.6.2003 . Berlin
A. Böhm, T. Weissgaerber, G. Lotze, B. Kieback
Model for Calculation of Swelling Effects in Ti-Al System During Transistent Liquid Phase Sintering
Proceedings of PM TEC, part 4, 2003, 100-107
T. Büttner, A. Böhm, H.-D. Böhm, T. Weißgärber, B. Kieback
Pulvermetallurgisch hergestellte Sputtertargets für die Dünnschichttechnik
Werkstoffe 2 (2003)
B. Kieback, G. Stephani, T. Weissgaerber, T. Schubert, U. Waag, A. Böhm, O. Andersen, H. Göhler, M. Reinfried
Powder Metallurgy for Light Weight and Ultra-Light Weight Materials
Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, Vol. 10 No. 6, 2003, 383-389
B. Kieback, T. Weißgärber
Tagungsband des Hagener Symposiums, Bd. 19, 2003, 243-263
Yu. R. Kolobov, B. Kieback, K. V. Ivanov, Th. Weissgaerber, N. V. Girsova, Yu. I. Pochivalov, G. P. Grabovetskaya, M. B. Ivanov, V. U. Kazyhanov, I. V. Alexandrov
The structure and microhardness evolution in submicrocrystalline molybdenum processed by severe plastic deformation followed by annealing
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 21, 2003, 69-73
B. Kieback, A. Neubrand, H. Riedel
Processing techniques for functionally graded materials
Materials Science and Engineering A362, 2003, 81-105
Th. Schubert, A. Böhm, M. Zumdick, B. Kieback
Reaktionspulvermetallurgische Herstellung von Silizidkompositen auf Molybdänbasis
Tagungsband "Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde", 2003, 224-229
T. Weißgärber, Th. Schubert, B. Kieback
Metallische Verbundwerkstoffe für passive Kühlkörper in der Elektronik
Tagungsband des Hagener Symposium, Bd. 19, 2003, 97-112
T. Weißgärber, N. Reinfried, A. Böhm, B. Kieback
Preparation of NiTi Alloys by Powder Metallurgy using Elemental Powder
Proceedings of the PM TEC, part 6, 2003, 242-248
T. Weißgärber, L. Schneider, B. Kieback
Iron based materials with improved oxidation resistance prepared by powder metallurgy
Euro PM 2003, Vol. 1, 211-216