Veröffentlichungen 2010
Despang F, Bernhardt A, Lode A, Hanke Th, Handtrack D, Kieback B, Gelinsky M
Response of human bone marrow stromal cells to a novel ultra-fine-grained and dispersion-strengthened titanium-based material
Acta Biomaterialia 6 (2010), 1006-1013
Grupp R, Nöthe M, Kieback B, Banhart J
In-Situ Investigation of the Cooperative Material Transport during the Early Stage of Sintering by Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography
In: Bordia R K and Olevsky E A (Eds.), Advances in Sintering Science and Technology, Ceramic Transactions, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2010,
Print ISBN: 9780470408490, Online ISBN: 9780470599730, 83-90
Hutsch T, Kieback B, Weißgärber T, Schubert T, Schmidt J
Innovative Metal-Graphite Composites as Thermally Conducting Materials
In: Proc.Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 5, 361-368
Kalinichenka S, Röntzsch L, Baehtz C, Kieback B
Hydrogen desorption kinetics of melt-spun and hydrogenated Mg90Ni10 and Mg80Ni10Y10 using in situ synchrotron, X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetry
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 496 (2010), 608-613
Kieback B, Nöthe M, Banhart J, Grupp R
Investigation of Sintering Processes by Tomography
In: Chandra T, Wanderka N, Reimers W, Ionescu M(Eds.), THERMEC 2009, Material Science Forum Vols. 638-642, Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland, 2010, 2511-2516
Kloeden B, Jehring U, Kieback B, Weißgärber T, Langer I
High Temperature Properties of MIM-Processed Superalloys
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 4, 413-20
Leuschner R, Schubert T, Weissgaerber T, Kieback B, Palm F
Scalmalloy® = A Unique High strength AlMgSc Type Material Concept Processed by Innovative Technologies for Aerospace Applications
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 4, 273-280
Nawka S, Kieback B, Schubert T, Brendel A, Zivelonghi A
Synthesis, Characterization and FEM-modelling of W/CuCrZr-Composites for Extreme Thermal Applications
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 5, 383-390
Pohlmann C, Röntzsch L, Kalinichenka S, Hutsch T, Kieback B
Magnesium alloy-graphite composites with tailored heat conduction properties for hydrogen storage applications
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (2010) 12829-12836
Schmidt J, Weissgaerber T, Kieback B, Knote A
Spark Plasma Sintering of Diamond Impregnated Wire Saw Beads
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 3, 553-558
Schmidt T, Röntzsch L, Weißgärber T, Kieback B
Reversible hydrogen storage in Ti-Zr-codoped NaAlH4 under realistic operation conditions, part 2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010 accepted for publication (in press)
Schubert T, Schmidt J, Weissgärber T, Kieback B
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an Al-Si Alloy Consolidated by Spark Plasma Sintering
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition. PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 2, 117-124
Stephani G, Andersen O, Quadbeck P, Kieback B
Cellular Metals for Functional Applications - an Overview
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 4, 95-102
Walther G, Kloeden B, Kieback B, Poss R, Bienvenu Y, Bartout J-D
New PM Process for Manufacturing of Alloyed Foams for High Temperature Applications
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 4, 109-116
Weissgärber T, Klöden B, Kieback B
Self-Passivating Tungsten Alloys
In: Proc. Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition, PM2010, Florence, Italy 10-14 October 2010, Vol. 3, 377-383