PhD Students PhD Students The PhD students: Angelos Filippatos (Greece), Ruixue Xu (China), Anindya Majumder (India), Sarah Wagner (Germany), Markus Pötschke (Germany), Lukas Löber (Germany), Jörg Meyer (Germany), Carsten Pohlmann (Germany), Sokesimbone Ncube (Zimbabwe), Klaudiusz Holeczek (Poland), Dmytro Ivaneiko (Ukraine), Christian Spieler (Germany), Andy Eschke (Germany), Grzegorz Parzych (Poland), (from left to right). Not on the photograph: Piotr Malczyk (Poland), Jan Romberg (Germany), Sven Roszeitis (Germany), Lenin Shagolsem (India). Andy Eschke Local texture and stress measurements on submicro-/nanocrystalline gradient materials Institute of Structural Physics Angelos Filippatos Event-driven diagnostic system for damage tolerant composite components under complex loading conditions Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Klaudiusz Holeczek Spatial resolved modeling and measurement of damage-dependent damping of dynamically loaded multicomponent materials Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Dmytro Ivaneiko Molecular Based Rheology of Magneto-Sensitive Elastomers Institute of Materials Science, Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Lukas Löber Rapid manufacturing of lightweight structures of aluminum and/or titanium Institute of Materials Science, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Anindya Majumder Investigation in a generalized approach to align one-dimensional nano-objects in a two-dimensional plane Institute of Surface and Manufacturing Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology Piotr Malczyk Multifunctional fibre-reinforced metal matrix composites with integrated sensor and actuator elements Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Jörg Meyer Structure-Property Relationships of Molecular Materials on Nanometer Scale Institute of Materials Science Sokesimbone Ncube Investigation into Combustion Characteristics of Fuels (Renewable), to Aid Material Selection and Design of Novel SSiC/ SiSiC Ceramic Heat Exchangers Institute of Power Engineering Grzegorz Parzych Nano-Structured Composite Electrodes for Ultrafast Double Layer Capacitors Institute of Materials Science, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Carsten Pohlmann Hydride-Graphit-Composites fpr Hydrogen Storage Institute of Materials Science, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing and Advanced Materials Markus Pötschke Multiskalensimulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften und des Wachstumsverhaltens von hybriden Nanostrukturen Institute of Materials Science Jan Romberg Accumulative Roll Bonding of Light Weight Metal Composites Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Sven Roszeitis Development of braze-metal-systems for stable joints in thermoelectric generators Intitute of Power Engineering Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems Lenin Shagolsem Morphology Control of thin Copolymer Films by Nano-Particles Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. Christian Spieler Simulation des effektivenMaterialverhaltens vonWerkstoffen mit magnetorheologisch schaltbarer Steifigkeit Institute of Solid Mechanics Sarah Wagner Growth forms of plants – optimized to mechanical stresses Institute for Botany