Lightweight technologies in cross-life cycle products of the energy transition
The objective of the LiKE project is to generate product development-models, -methods and -data for the integration of sustainability aspects and sustainable technologies in energy efficient products over the entire product life cycle. The methodological focus is on the integration of LCA and the 9R-framework into product design to realise product systems with minimal environmental impact. New recycling and tracing technologies serve as enablers for closed-loop models.
In the electric motor product system, sustainable concepts are being developed for recyclable, lightweight rotors with reduced use of resource-intensive materials and reduced inertia. This includes investigating the use of recyclable aluminium die-cast alloys from the automotive industry.
The high-speed electrical switch product system involves the design, manufacture and testing of complex, highly dynamic multi-layer fibre composite structures to achieve high switching speeds. The structure is based on a metal bellows spring, which also serves as a reference.

Overview of the two product systems and topics covered in the LiKE project.

Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and MultiMaterial Design
NameProf. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude
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Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
Visitors Address:
DÜR, Floor 0, Room 71 Holbeinstr. 3
01307 Dresden
- Paul Hoffeins (Lightweight Design)
Publications Paul Hoffeins | TU Dresden - Julian Barth (Lightweight Design)