HoMaba - Wood-based materials in mechanical engineering: Calculation concepts, characteristic value requirements, determination of characteristic values
Wood-based materials in mechanical engineering: calculation concepts, characteristic value requirements, determination of characteristic values
Duration: | 11/2018 - 04/2022 |
Funding: | BMEL/ FNR |
Funding code: | 22003818 |
The aim of this research project was to give wood and wood-based materials access to the sales markets of mechanical engineering. This was to be achieved by improving the calculability of applications for wood and wood-based materials. To this end, a calculation concept was developed consisting of an analytical-semiprobabilistic calculation approach and a subsequent numerical simulation.
The project was carried out by a consortium of 9 scientific institutions:
- Technical University of Munich,
- TUD Dresden University of Technology,
- Chemnitz University of Technology,
- Institute for Wood Technology Dresden gGmbH,
- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (WKI),
- Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development,
- Georg-August-University Göttingen,
- Paper Technology Foundation and
- Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences.
The sub-project of TU Dresden(Chair of Wood Technology and Fibre Materials Technology) "Development of test methods and determination of characteristic values for wood-based materials" comprised the development of test methods for solid wood, veneer and veneer materials as well as the determination and characterization of the characteristic values required for the calculation of these materials. In addition to the nine independent elasticity constants for describing the elastic behavior, these are the strengths and the stress-strain curves for the tensile, compressive, shear and bending stresses.
As part of the project, a database was created with the characteristic values determined in the project for veneers, solid wood and plywood. These characteristic values can be used as a guide for the design of structural components for mechanical engineering, which was demonstrated using demonstrator components.
Contact person
Dr.-Ing. Robert Krüger, Dipl.-Ing. Beate Buchelt
Funding information:
The project was funded by the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.
![Logo Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe](https://tu-dresden.de/ing/maschinenwesen/int/ressourcen/bilder/holztechnik-und-faserwerkstofftechnik/logos/fnr_logo_rgb_1600px.jpg/@@images/83eac756-d461-4815-9c31-0e9def065a70.jpeg)
![Logo Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft](https://tu-dresden.de/ing/maschinenwesen/int/ressourcen/bilder/holztechnik-und-faserwerkstofftechnik/logos/BMEL_Fz_2017_Office_Farbe_de.png/@@images/f6406dfb-1ed3-4d4a-99c3-2d1e56e37953.png)