Publications of Jochen Fröhlich up to 2007
[Books] [Chapters In Books With Reviewing] [Review Papers Upon Invitation] [Journal Papers With Reviewing System] [Conference Papers With Reviewing System] [Reports] [Vulgarization, divers] [Theses]
Books J. Fröhlich
Large Eddy Simulation turbulenter Strömungen
Teubner-Verlag, ISBN: 3-8351-0104-8, 2006 [publisher’s page]
L. Davidson, D. Cokljat, J. Fröhlich, M.A. Leschziner, C.P. Mellen, W. Rodi, editors.
LESFOIL: Large Eddy Simulation of Flow Around a High Lift Airfoil.
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol. 83, Springer, 2003. [publisher’s page]
Chapters in books with reviewing
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi, A. Dewan, J.P. Fontes.
Large Eddy Simulation of flow around the free end of a circular cylinder.
In E.H. Hirschel, editor, Numerical Flow Simulation III,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol. 82, 191-202, Springer, 2002. [pdf]
B.J. Geurts, J. Fröhlich.
Numerical effects contaminating LES; a mixed story.
In B.J. Geurts, editor, Modern Simulation Strategies for Turbulent Flow, 309-330. R.T. Edwards, 2001.
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi, J.P. Bertoglio, U. Bieder, H. Touil.
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow around Circular Cylinders on Structured and Unstructured Grids I.
In E.H. Hirschel (ed.), Numerical Flow Simulation II,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol. 75, 231-249, Vieweg, 2001. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi, Ph. Kessler, S. Parpais, J.P. Bertoglio, D. Laurence.
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow around Circular Cylinders on Structured and Unstructured Grids.
In E.H. Hirschel (ed.), Numerical Flow Simulation I,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol. 66, 319-338, Vieweg, 1998. [pdf]
Review papers upon invitation
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi,
Introduction to Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows.
In B. Launder, N. Sandham, editors, Closure Strategies for Turbulent and Transitional Flows, Chapter 8, pages 267-298. Cambridge University Press, 2000. [pdf]
Journal papers with reviewing system
J. A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn
Large eddy simulation of a swirling transverse jet into a crossflow with investigation of scalar transport.
Physics of Fluids. 21(1):015101, 2009. DOI: 10.1063/1.3054148.
Copyright 2009 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.
The following article may be found atdenev_Froehlich_Bockhorn_SJICF_PhysFluids_09.
J. Fröhlich, D. von Terzi
Hybrid LES/RANS Methods for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows
Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 44:349-377,2008 [pdf]
P. Wang, J. Fröhlich, V. Michelassi, W. Rodi.
Large eddy simulation of variable-density turbulent axisymmetric jets.
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 29:654-664, 2008.
C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
2D and 3D turbulent fluctuations in open channel flow with Ret=590 studied by Large Eddy Simulation.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 80:225-253, 2008.
J. Fröhlich, M. García-Villalba, W. Rodi.
Scalar mixing and large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent swirling jet.
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 80:47-59, 2008.
C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Three-dimensional and depth-averaged Large-Eddy Simulations of some shallow water flows.
J. Hydraul. Eng., 133:857-872, 2007.
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Numerical Simulations of isothermal flow in a swirl burner.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 129:377-386, 2007.
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich,
LES of a free annular swirling jet – dependence of coherent structures on a pilot jet and the level of swirl
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 27:911-923, 2006.
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Identification and analysis of coherent structures in the near field of a turbulent unconfined annular swirling jet using large eddy simulation.
Physics of Fluids, 18:055103, 2006.
J. Fröhlich, C.P. Mellen, W. Rodi, L. Temmerman, M.A. Leschziner.
Highly-resolved large eddy simulations of separated flow in a channel with streamwise periodic constrictions.
J. Fluid Mech., 526:19-66, 2005.
J. Fröhlich, W.Rodi.
LES of the flow around a cylinder of finite height.
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 25:537-548, 2004. [pdf]
V. Michelassi, J.G. Wissink, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
LES of flow around low pressure turbine blade with incoming wakes.
AIAA J., 41:2143-2156, 2003. [pdf]
W. Gerlinger, K. Schneider, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn.
Numerical simulations on the stability of spherical flame structures.
Combust. Flame, 132:247-271, 2003.
J. Fröhlich, M. Uhlmann.
Orthonormal polynomial wavelets on the interval and applications to the analysis of turbulent flow fields.
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 63:1789-1830, 2003.
L. Temmerman, M. Leschziner, C.P. Mellen, J. Fröhlich,
Investigation of sub-grid models and wall function approximations in large eddy simulation of separated flow in a channel with streamwise periodic constrictions.
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 24:157-180, 2003.
C.P. Mellen, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Lessons from the European LESFOIL project on LES of flow around an airfoil.
AIAA J., 41:573-581, 2003. Also as AIAA Paper 2002-0111.
B.J. Geurts, J. Fröhlich.
A framework for predicting accuracy limitations in large-eddy simulations.
Phys. Fluids, 14:L41-L44, 2002. [pdf]
Z. He, W. Rodi, J. Fröhlich.
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Smooth and Rough Open Channels.
J. Hydrodyn., Ser. A, 15:191-201, 2000.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
Computation of Decaying Turbulence in an Adaptive Wavelet Basis.
Physica D, 134:337-361, 1999.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
An Adaptive Two-Dimensional Wavelet-Algorithm for the Computation of Flame Balls.
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 3:177-198, 1999.
J. Fröhlich, J. Lang.
Twodimensional Cascadic Finite Element Computations of Combustion Processes.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 158:255-267, 1998.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
An Adaptive Wavelet-Vaguelette Algorithm for the Solution of Nonlinear PDEs.
J. Comp. Phys., 130:174-190, 1997.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
Numerical simulation of decaying turbulence in an adaptive wavelet basis.
Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., 3:393, 1996.
R. Renaut, J. Fröhlich.
A Pseudospectral Chebychev Method for the 2D Wave Equation with Domain Stretching and Absorbing Boundary Conditions.
J. Comp. Phys., 124:324-336, 1996.
R. Brand, W. Freeden, J. Fröhlich.
An Adaptive Hierarchical Approximation Method on the Sphere Using Axisymmetric Locally Supported Basis Functions.
Computing, 57:187-212, 1996.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
A Fast Algorithm for Lacunary Wavelet Bases Related to the Solution of PDEs.
C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada, 16:83-86, 1996
J. Fröhlich.
Parameter Derivatives of the Jacobi Polynomials and the Gaussian Hypergeometric Function.
Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2:252-266, 1994.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
An Adaptive Wavelet Galerkin Algorithm for One- and Two-Dimensional Flame Computations.
Eur. J. Mech., B/Fluids, 13:439-471, 1994.
J. Fröhlich, S. Gauthier.
Numerical Investigations from Compressible to Isobaric Rayleigh-Benard Convection.
Eur. J. Mech., B/Fluids, 12:141-159, 1993.
J. Fröhlich, P. Laure, R. Peyret.
Large Departures from Boussinesq Approximation in the Rayleigh-Benard Problem.
Phys. of Fluids/A, 4:1355-1372, 1992.
J. Fröhlich, R. Peyret.
Direct spectral methods for the Low Mach Number equations.
Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow, 2:195-213, 1992.
J. Fröhlich, R. Peyret.
A Spectral Algorithm for Low Mach Number Combustion.
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 90:631-642, 1991
J. Fröhlich, R. Peyret.
Calculations of Non-Boussinesq Convection by a Pseudospectral Method.
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., 80:425-433, 1990.
Conference papers with reviewing system
D.A. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi
Hybrid techniques for Large-Eddy Simulations of complex turbulent flows.
In: W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kröner, M.M. Resch (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08, 317-332, Springer 2009. Paper recieved Golden Spike of HLRS 2008.
P. Wang, J. Fröhlich, V. Michelassi, W. Rodi,
Impact of density differences on turbulent round jets.
In: W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kröner, M.M. Resch (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08, 285-299, Springer 2009.
J.A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn,
Two-Point correlations of a round jet into a crossflow – results from a Direct Numerical Simulation.
In: W.E. Nagel, D.B. Kröner, M.M. Resch (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’08, 192-203, Springer 2009.
J.A. Denev, C. Falconi, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn,
DNS and LES of a jet in crossflow – evaluation of turbulence quantities and modelling issues.
Proc. of 7th Int. Symp. Engineering Turbulence modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-6 June, 587-592, 2008.
D.A. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich,
A statistically consistent approach to segregated LES-RANS coupling at tangential interfaces.
Proc. of 7th Int. Symp. Engineering Turbulence modelling and Measurements, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-6 June, 28-33, 2008.
T. Brandt, A. Hellsten, D.A. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich,
Assessment of a hybrid LES-RANS concept based on eddy-viscosity reduction using resolved Reynolds stresses.
5th Europ. Congr. on Comput. Meth. in Appl. Sci and Engrg., Venice, 30 June – 4 July, 2008.
S. Tomm, D.A. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich,
Interaction of the filter and spatial discretisation operators for Large-Eddy Simulation using the Approximate Deconvolution Model.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., to appear, 2008.
M. Lecanu, K. Mehravaran, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn, D. Thévenin
Computations of premixed turbulent flames.
In W.E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’07, Springer, submitted [pdf]
M. Uhlmann, J. Fröhlich,
Transport of heavy spherical particles in horizontal channel flow.
In W.E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’07, Springer, submitted [pdf]
J.A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn.
Direct Numerical Simulation of a Round Jet into a Crossflow – Analysis and Required Resources.
In W.E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’07, Springer, submitted. [pdf]
D. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich,
Coupling conditions for LES with downstream RANS for the prediction of incompressible turbulent flows.
Proc. of TSFP-5, Munich 2007. [pdf]
P. Wang, J. Fröhlich, V. Michelassi, W. Rodi,
Large Eddy Simulation of variable density turbulent axisymmetric jets.
Proc. of TSFP-5, Munich 2007. [pdf]
J.A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn,
Direct Numerical Simulation of a transitional round jet in crossflow with mixing and chemical reactions.
Proc. of TSFP-5, Munich 2007. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, T. Stoesser, D. von Terzi, J. Wissink, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large eddy simulation of turbulent separated flow over a three-dimensional hill.
Proc. 11th European turbulence Conference, 25.-28.6.2007, Porto, Portugal. [pdf]
G. Palau, T. Stoesser, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
LES of the flow around two cylinders in tandem.
Proc. of IUTAM Symposium on unsteady separated flows and their control, 18.-22.6.07, to appear, 2007. [pdf]
D. von Terzi, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Scrutinizing velocity and pressure coupling conditions for LES with downstream RANS calculations.
Proc. of 2nd Symp. on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, 17.-18.6.2007, Corfu, Greece, to appear, 2007. [pdf]
J.A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn, F. Schwertfirm, M. Manhart.
DNS of scalar transport in a turbulent plane channel flow at low Reynolds number.
Proc. of LSSC07 Sozopol, Springer, to appear, 2007. [pdf]
T. Stoesser, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Turbulent open channel flow over a permeable bed.
32th IAHR Congress, Venice, Italy, July 1-6, 2007. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Investigation of the influence of the inlet geometry on the flow in a swirl burner.
In W.E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’06, Springer, 381-390, 2007.
J.A. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn.
Direct Numerical Simulation of mixing and chemical reactions in a round jet into a crossflow – a benchmark.
In W.E. Nagel, W. Jäger, M. Resch (Eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’06, Springer, 237-252, 2007. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, J.A. Denev, C. Hinterberger, H. Bockhorn.
On the impact of tangential grid refinement on subgrid-scale modelling in Large Eddy Simulation.
In T. Boyanov , S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, G. Nikolov (Eds.), Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods and Applications, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 2006,
LNCS 4310, Springer, 550-557, 2007.
T. Stoesser, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of open-channel flow over and through two layers of spheres.
7th Int. Conf. Hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE-2006), 10-13.9.2006, Philadelphia, USA. [pdf]
S. Šarič, S. Jakirlić, M. Breuer, B. Jaffrézic, G. Deng, O. Chikhaoui, J. Fröhlich, D. von Terzi, M. Manhart, N. Peller.
Evaluation of Detatched Eddy Simulations for predicting the flow over periodic hills.
Proceedings of CEMRACS 2006, to appear.
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Numerical simulation of isothermal flow in a swirl burner.
paper GT2006-90764 at ASME Turbo Expo 2006, May 8-11, 2006, Barcelona, Spain
J. Fröhlich, M. Gracía-Villalba, W. Rodi
On the impact of large-scale coherent structures on scalar mixing in swirling jets.
Conference on Turbulence and Interactions, TI2006, May 29 – June 2, Porquerolles, France 2006. [pdf]
D. von Terzi, C. Hinterberger, M. Garcia-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi, I. Mary.
LES with downstream RANS for the flow over periodic hills and a model combustor flow.
Proc. of EUROMECH Colloquium 469, Dresden, 6-8.10.2005. [pdf]
M. Breuer, B. Jaffrézic, S. Šarič, S. Jakirlić, G. Deng, O. Chikhaoui, J. Fröhlich, D. von Terzi, M. Manhart, N. Peller.
Issues in hybrid LES-RANS and coarse grid LES of separated flows.
Proc. of EUROMECH Colloquium 469, Dresden, 6-8.10.2005. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi, O. Petsch, H. Büchner.
Large eddy simulation of flow instabilities in co-annular swirling jets.
DLES-6, September 12-14, Poitiers, France 2005.
G. Nolin, I. Mary, L. Ta-Phuoc, C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich.
Coupling from LES to RANS using eddy-viscosity models.
DLES-6, September 12-14, Poitiers, France 2005.
M. Breuer, B. Jaffrézic, N. Peller, M. Manhart, J. Fröhlich, C. Hinterberger, W. Rodi, G. Deng, O. Chikhaoui, S. Šarič, S. Jakirlić.
A comparative study of the turbulent flow over a periodic arrangement of smoothly contoured hills.
DLES-6, September 12-14, Poitiers, France 2005.
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich,
On the sensitivity of a free annular jet to the level of swirl and a pilot jet.
In W. Rodi, M. Mulas (eds), Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments, Vol. 6, 845-854, 2005. [pdf]
T. Stoesser, W. Rodi, J. Fröhlich,
Large Eddy Simulation of open-channel flow over a layer of spheres.
In Proc. of 31th IAHR Congress, Seoul, September 11-16, 2005. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large eddy simulation of an annular swirling jet with pulsating inflow.
In Humphrey et al. (eds.), Procs. of 4th Int. Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Williamsburg, June 27-29 2005, 717-722, 2005. [pdf]
J. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn.
Structure and mixing of a swirling transverse jet into a crossflow.
In Humphrey et al. (eds.), Procs. of 4th Int. Symp. on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, Williamsburg, June 27-29 2005, 1255-1260, 2005. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large eddy simulation of turbulent confined coaxial swirling jets.
Procs. of 76th GAMM Conference, Luxembourg, March 28 - April 1, 2005.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 5:463–464
J. Denev, J. Fröhlich, H. Bockhorn.
Evaluation of mixing and chemical reactions within a jet in crossflow by means of LES.
Proc. of European Combustion Meeting, Louvain, Belgium, 3.-6.4.2005. CD-ROM [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
On inflow boundary conditions for large eddy simulation of turbulent swirling jets.
In W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski (eds.), Procs. of XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
15.-21.8.2004, Warsaw, Poland, CD-ROM, IPPT PAN, ISBN 83-89687-01-1, 2004. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, J. Denev, H. Bockhorn.
Large eddy simulation of a jet in crossflow.
Proc. of 4th ECCOMAS Conference, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24.-28.7.2004 , CD-ROM, ISBN 951-39-1868-8, 2004. [pdf]
M. García-Villalba, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Unsteady phenomena in an unconfined annular swirling jet.
In H.I. Anderson and P.-Å. Kogstad, editors, Proc. of 10th European Turbulence Conference, 515-518, Barcelona, Spain, 2004, CIMNE.
T. Stoesser, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Identification of coherent flow structures in open-channel flow over rough bed using large eddy simulation.
In J. Gnaoulis, P. Prinos, editors, Proc. of 30th IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25.-31.8.2003, 2003. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, M. Uhlmann.
New polynomial wavelets and their use for the analysis of wall-bounded flows.
CD-ROM Proceedings of Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nice, 1.-5.9.2003, 2003. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
LES of the flow around a cylinder of finite height.
In N. Kasagi, J.K. Eaton, R. Friedrich, J.A.C. Humphrey, M.A. Leschziner, T. Miyauchi, editors, Proc. of 3rd Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai, Japan, 25.-27.6.2003, Vol. III, 899-904, 2003
M. Uhlmann, J. Fröhlich.
Analysis of channel flow using improved polynomial wavelets for the interval.
In N. Kasagi, J.K. Eaton, R. Friedrich, J.A.C. Humphrey, M.A. Leschziner, T. Miyauchi, editors, Proc. of 3rd Int. Symp. On Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Sendai, Japan, 25.-27.6.2003, Vol. II, 841-846, 2003. [pdf]
C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Three-dimensional and depth-averaged large eddy simulation of shallow water flows.
In G.H. Jirka and W.S.J. Uijttewaal, editors, Proc. Int. Symp. on Shallow Water Flows, Delft, The Netherlands, 16.-18.6.2003, 2003. [pdf]
C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Turbulent flow around a simplified car calculated with LES.
In T. Hüttl, C. Wagner, J. Delfs, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop LES for Acoustics,
7.-8. October 2002, Göttingen, Germany, 2002.
C. Hinterberger, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Depth-averaged large eddy simulation of shallow water flows - modelling aspects.
In I.P. Castro, P.E. Hancock, and T.G. Thomas, editors, Advances in Turbulence IX, Proceedings of the 9th European Turbulence Conference, 211-214, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. CIMNE.
M. Uhlmann, J. Fröhlich.
Analysis of turbulent plane channel flow by means of wavelets designed for the interval.
In I.P. Castro, P.E. Hancock, and T.G. Thomas, editors, Advances in Turbulence IX, Proceedings of the 9th European Turbulence Conference, 111-114, Barcelona, Spain, 2002. CIMNE.
J. Fröhlich, C.P. Mellen.
Transition in LES of Bluff Body Flows and Airfoils.
In B.J. Geurts, R. Friedrich, O. Metais, editors,
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IV, 145-156. Kluwer Academic, 2001.
J. Fröhlich, F. Mathey, W. Rodi.
Large eddy simulation of the flow over a matrix of surface-mounted cubes.
In W. Jäger, E. Krause, editors,
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2000, 317-325. Springer, 2001.
C.P. Mellen, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Computations for the European LESFOIL project.
In W. Jäger, E. Krause, editors, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 2000, 389-398. Springer, 2001.
J. Fröhlich.
LES of vortex shedding past circular cylinders.
Proc. ECCOMAS 2000, Barcelona, 11-14.9.2000. CD-ROM, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 2000.
C.P. Mellen, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large-Eddy Simulation of the flow over periodic hills.
Proc. IMACS 2000, Lausanne, CD-ROM, 2000.
F. Mathey, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
LES of in turbulent flow over a wall-mounted matrix of cubes.
In P. Voke, N.D. Sandham, L. Kleiser (eds.), Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation III, Kluwer Academic, 51-62, 1999.
F. Mathey, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Description of Numerical methodology for Test Case 6.2, Results for Test Case 6.2.
In A. Hellsten, P. Rautaheimo, editors, Proc. of 8th ERCOFTAC/IAHR/COST Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling,
Report No. 127. Helsinki University of Technology, 1999.
F. Mathey, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of the flow over a matrix of surface-mounted cubes.
In S. Biringen and H. Örs and A. Tezel, J. Ferziger (eds.), Industrial and Environmental Applications of Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations, Proceedings of a Workshop held in Istanbul, Turkey, 5.-7. August 1998,
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, 153-163, 1999.
J. Fröhlich, W.Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow around a Circular Cylinder.
In E. Krause and W. Jäger, editors, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '99, 312-314. Springer, 1999.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, W. Gerlinger, K. Schneider.
Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flame Balls.
In F. Keil et al. (eds.), Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II, Springer, 102-109, 1999.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, W. Gerlinger, K. Schneider.
Three-dimensional instationary numerical simulation of spherical flame structures.
In J. Warnatz, U. Riedel, F. Behrendt (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems,
17th ICDERS, 26.-30.7.1999, Heidelberg", 1999.
F. Mathey, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of the flow over a matrix of surface mounted cubes.
In T.J. Craft, editor, Proc. of 7th ERCOFTAC/IAHR Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling, Manchester, May 28-29, 1998.
J. Fröhlich.
Large Eddy Simulation of Flow around Cylinders.
In K. Papailiou et al. (eds.), Computational Fluid Dynamics '98, vol. 2, Proceedings of the Fourth European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 7-11 September 1998, Athens, Greece, John Wiley, 563-568, 1998.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, W. Gerlinger, K. Schneider.
Numerical Investigations on the Stability of Flame Balls.
In K. Papailiou et al. (eds.), Computational Fluid Dynamics '98, vol. 1, Proceedings of the Fourth European Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 7-11 September 1998, Athens, Greece, John Wiley, 990-995, 1998.
J. Fröhlich, K. Schneider.
Numerical simulation of coherent structures in turbulent flows using an adaptive wavelet basis.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik: ZAMM, SUPPL, 77(2):553-554, 1997.
J. Fröhlich, J. Lang, R. Roitzsch.
Selfadaptive Finite Element Computations with Smooth Time Controller and Anisotropic Refinement.
In J.A. Desideri et al. (eds), Numerical Methods in Engineering '96, Proceedings of the Second ECCOMAS Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9-13 September 1996, Paris, France, John Wiley, 523-527, 1996.
J. Fröhlich, P. Deuflhard.
An Adaptive Galerkin Method for the PDF Transport equation of Turbulent Reactive Flows.
In H. Neunzert (ed.), Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 94, p.176-183, Wiley, Teubner" 1996.
R. Brand, J. Fröhlich.
A New Approach for DTM modelling.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(4):149-153, 1996.
J. Lang, J. Fröhlich.
Selfadaptive Finite Element Computation of Combustion Processes.
In R.W. Lewis and P. Durbetaki, editors, Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems,
Proceedings of the 9th Int. Conference, 17.7.-21.7.95, Atlanta, USA, 9, 761-769, Pinderidge Press, 1995.
J. Fröhlich.
A Galerkin Method for the PDF Closure in Turbulent Reactive Flows.
Proceedings of the ICIAM, Hamburg, 1995. ZAMM, 76:403-405, 1996.
J. Fröhlich, T. Gerhold, J.M. Lacroix, R. Peyret.
Fully Implicit Spectral Algorithms for Natural Convection.
In M. Durand and F. El Dubaghi (eds.), High Performance Computing II, 585-596, North-Holland, 1991.
M. Uhlmann, J. Fröhlich,
Transport of heavy spherical particles in horizontal channel flow.
report to HLRS, Stuttgart, 2008.
J. Fröhlich, D. von Terzi.
Hybrid LES/RANS methods fort the simulation of turbulent flows.
10ème Ecole de Mécanique des Fluides Numérique, 2007.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, R. Suntz.
SFB 606 - a German research initiative on unsteady combustion.
ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 59:40-44, 2003. [pdf]
T. Stoesser, F. Mathey, J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
LES of flow over multiple cubes.
ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 56:15-19, 2003. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, M. Uhlmann.
Wavelets Based Upon Legendre Polynomials.
Preprint Potsdammer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), No. 72, 2001.
J. Fröhlich, M. Uhlmann.
Wavelets Based Upon Legendre Polynomials.
Preprint Potsdammer Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), No. 72, 2001.
B.J. Geurts, J. Fröhlich.
Numerical effects contaminating LES; a mixed story.
ERCOFTAC Bulletin, 48:53-56,2001.
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamics of Round Cylinders and Fluid-Structure Coupling.
Project Report Ro 558/16-2, 1999.
H. Bockhorn, J. Fröhlich, Kai Schneider.
Direkte numerische Simulation turbulenter reaktiver Strömungen.
L. Krebs, B. Peters (eds.), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA 6084, 3-19, 1998.
J. Fröhlich, W. Rodi.
Large Eddy Simulation of Aerodynamics of Round Cylinders and Fluid-Structure Coupling.
Project Report Ro 558/16-1, 1997.
T. Buchal, J. Fröhlich.
Simulation of Glass-Melters for Nuclear Waste.
Technical Report, Institute for Hydromechanics, University of Karlsruhe, 1996.
J. Fröhlich, J. Lang.
Twodimensional Cascadic Finite Element Computations of Combustion Processes.
Technical Report SC 96-05, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, 1996.
J. Fröhlich.
Galerkinmethoden für die PDF-Transportgleichung.
Internal Report, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum, Berlin, 1995.
J. Fröhlich, P. Deuflhard.
Moving Weight Galerkin Methods for Turbulent Reactive Flows.
Technical Report SC 94-36, Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, 1994.
J. Fröhlich, J. Weickert.
Image Processing using a Wavelet Algorithm for Nonlinear Diffusion.
Technical Report 104, Dep. Math., University Kaiserslautern, 1994.
H. Neunzert, J. Fröhlich.
Wavelets in der Strömungsmechanik.
Final report on DFG-funded project, 1993.
J. Fröhlich.
Comparison of Solution Algorithms for the Variable Coefficient Heat Equation.
Technical Report, No. 212, Lab. Math., Université de Nice, 1988.
J. Fröhlich.
The Fast Fourier Transform on Hexagon- and Triangle Grids.
Technical Report, No. 40, IGPM, RWTH Aachen, 1986.
Vulgarization, divers
J. Fröhlich
Die Habilitation in Frankreich.
Forschung und Lehre, 7:371-373, 2005. [pdf]
J. Fröhlich, C.P. Mellen, W. Rodi.
Die Strömung im Rechner - Turbulenz auf Karlsruher Supercomputern.
RZ News, Computer Center University of Karlsruhe, 5-7, june 2000.
J. Fröhlich
Large Eddy Simulation inkompressibler Strömungen.
Habilitation thesis, july 2004.
J. Fröhlich.
Résolution Numérique des Equations de Navier-Stokes à Faible Nombre de Mach par Méthode Spectrale.
PhD thesis, Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nice – Sophia-Antipolis, 1990.
J. Fröhlich.
Entwurf einer Zustandsregelung für ein Päzisions-Durchflussmessgerät.
Diploma Thesis, Institut für Regelungstechnik, RWTH Aachen, 1987.
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