Double / Joint Degree Programs
TUD maintains cooperation agreements with various partner universities around the world that allow students to earn a double degree or joint degree. These programs offer qualified students either the opportunity to obtain two degrees in parallel (double degree) or a joint degree (joint degree) from two or more universities. In this context, full recognition of all study and examination credits earned abroad is guaranteed from the outset.
Please find information on our current double and joint degree programs at TUD as well as information on the structure and funding of existing and newly planned double and joint degree programs in the following sections.
Our TUD Guidelines for setting up double and joint degree programs will provide you with a comprehensive overview and further assistance, on how to set up these programs at TUD. For cooperation with India, we strongly recommend having a look at the latest DAAD paper published in October 2023, which has been a collaborative work of German and Indian institutes with the participation of TUD.
- Initiative from a partner university or university member to develop a joint or double degree program
- Faculty review of the usefulness of the proposed new degree program and the academic merit of the setup in consultation with the International Office
- Introduction of the matter to the Faculty Board, which must approve it
- Naming of a program coordinator for the double degree program
- Preparation of a first draft of the agreement
- This must be evaluated by the International Office in consultation with the legal department and the Unit Study Programs Affairs, and subsequently forwarded to the Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs
- After receiving approval from the University Executive Board, the agreement and its content is formally finalized, including signature from the Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs
- Inclusion in the Examination Regulations’ new list of degree programs and announcement on websites and faculty-internal platform
- Unique selling point: Does the envisaged double degree program include content that cannot be offered by the university as a standalone institution in this form?
- Resources: Does the faculty or institute have the capacity to take on the additional workload associated with student advising and financial processing?
- Responsible body: Who should be responsible for the double degree program? What institutes or faculties should be involved?
- Need: What added value would a double degree program offer over an exchange program?
- Partner compatibility: What universities do we already have solidified partnerships with that could be extended beyond student exchange? Do the partners suit each other? Do communication and collaboration work? Can selection and admission processes be harmonized?
- Specification of the degree programs/levels at TUD and partner institution
- Compatibility of both degree programs (general structure, modules with ECTS points, language of modules, duration, academic calendar, content overlaps, leeway, etc.)
- Admission requirements at both institutions
- Language requirements
- Academic requirements Academic progress (minimum grade, minimum number of ECTS points)
- Academic recognition of a study segment (bachelor's degree, fundamental studies)
- Financial arrangements: in particular payment of tuition fees at partner institutions; grants, if applicable (travel funds, employee for advising students)
- Study plan that illustrates the achievements to be attained each semester at the partner university and home university
- Presentation of the modules to be completed
- Regulations for the final thesis (for double theses: consider effort required by advisors)
- Conversion of grades, ECTS points
- Record of examinations (Examination and Study Regulations, type of degree earned, layout of degree certificates)
- Quality assurance measures (accreditation, linguistic preparation)
- Definition of the program coordination and determination of who is responsible for the program with in the faculty
- Based on TUD's degree programs, cooperation with other universities is feasible when relevant components of a given program can be completed at the partner university. Depending on the extent of the cooperation, this can also lead to double/multiple degrees or even to a joint degree being awarded. Frequently, the individual course components of the partner university are linked together by an overarching degree program. Generally, each cooperation is based on its own agreement.
- The following sample formulations are suggested for TUD's study documents (please adapt as necessary):
1. a. A mobility window (supplement to § 6 para. 1 of the Study Regulations)
"(1) [...] In addition, within the framework of the cooperation with #Name#, there is the possibility of being hosted by a cooperation partner in accordance with the cooperation agreement."
b. Duration, structure and scope of the degree program
"(2) [...] In addition, within the framework of the cooperation with #Name#, there is the possibility of completing the #x semester# with a cooperation partner in accordance with the cooperation agreement."
2. a. Joint degree (supplement to § 28 of the Study Regulations)
"[...] Students who have utilized the option according to § 28 paragraph 2 sentence #x# shall be awarded the #degree# jointly by the cooperation partners.
b. Joint degree certificate (supplement to § 22 para. 2 of the Examination Regulations)
"[...] For students who have utilized the option according to § 24 paragraph 2 sentence #x#, the certificate is to be issued jointly by TU Dresden and the cooperation partners.
In the case of double degrees, the regulations according to No. 1 can be included in the study documents (if desired). For joint degrees, the regulations according to No. 1 and 2 are to be used. It is possible to forgo a joint certificate (No. 2 b) if the certificates of the participating universities refer to the circumstances of the joint degree conferral. A modification of the rules regarding credits is not necessary, as cooperation agreements already provide for them (§ 16 para. 1 of the Examination Regulations). Unit 8.4 advises against a joint certificate and diploma supplement, as the anticipated effort would be disproportionate to the result.
Periods of study abroad stipulated by the curriculum require special regulations in the study documents and are therefore to be treated on a case-by-case basis.
The Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH) is an association of member universities from Germany and France. It promotes relations and exchanges between German and French universities, among other things to ensure binational study programs, doctoral student and research programs. TU Dresden makes intensive use of the DFH's funding opportunities.
The largest DFH funding area is binational study programs that lead to a double degree. TU Dresden has concluded agreements with French universities for the following degree programs:
- Architecture - ENSA Strasbourg
- Civil Engineering - ESTP Paris and INSA Strasbourg
- Chemistry - École européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux (Strasbourg) and École nationale supérieure de chimie de Rennes
- Computer science - INSA Rennes
- Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Information Systems Engineering, Renewable Energy Systems - Groupe des Ecoles Centrales
- Business Administration - Ecole de Management (EM) de Strasbourg
For all students of DFH-funded degree programs, preparatory online language courses are held to deepen their language skills. For further information, please contact the program coordinator.
Other funding formats include Franco-German doctoral programs, one of which has been established at the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering with the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
An Erasmus Mundus Master's degree (EMJMD) is a high-level, integrated and international study program offered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.
EU-funded scholarships for EMJMD degree programs are awarded to the best students who apply in annual selection rounds.
The studies must take place in at least two program countries. If a higher education institution in a partner country participates in the program, part of the studies can also take place in partner countries.
Programs currently funded by TU Dresden in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Program are:
CARTO - E+ JMD Cartography
EMM-Nano - Erasmus Mundus Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
FloodR - Flood Risk Management
GroundwatCH - Groundwater and Global Change - Impacts and Adaptation
GloFor - Erasmus Mundus MSc Program in Global Forestry
Other programs currently funded by the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Doctoral Degree Program at TU Dresden are
FONASO - Forest and Nature for Society
Other TU Dresden programs funded in the past in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Program are
EMPCL - European Master`s Program in Computational Logic
The "Integrated International Degree Programs with Double Degrees" program supports degree programs that lead to both national degrees after a course of study completed partly at the German university and partly at the foreign university. The program is open to all departments at universities and universities of applied sciences.
Further information can be found on the DAAD website.
Calls for applications from the Franco-German University (in German and French) for...
- Integrated and partially integrated degree programs
- PhD-track programs
- Preparatory meetings for new projects
- Doctoral colleges
- Cotutelles de thèse
- Science-related events for early-career researchers (“research ateliers,” summer schools)
Calls for applications from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for...
Calls for applications from the European Commission for...
DAAD publications and further literature (in German) on
The following degree programs at TU Dresden offer the option of obtaining a joint or multiple degree with one or more partner universities.
Faculty TUD |
Faculty TUD |
Country |
Partner university |
Degree program |
contact |
BU |
FR |
Civil Engineering (Diploma) |
Prof. Y. Ciupack |
IT |
Università degli studi di Trento |
Prof. P. Jehle |
UW |
Cartography (MSc) in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Program |
Prof. D. Burghardt |
Global (formerly Tropical) Forestry (MSc) in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Program |
Prof. L. Giessen |
NL |
Hydro Science and Engineering (MSc) in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Programs GroundwatCH (GW) and Flood Risk Management (FRM) |
Prof. C. Bernhofer |
Wiwi |
FR |
Université de Strasbourg, EM Business School |
Business Administration (MSc) |
Prof. B. Schipp |
IT |
Università degli Studi di Trento |
Business Administration (MSc) Economics (MSc) Business Administration and Economics (BSc) |
Prof. R. Lasch |
IT |
Università degli Studi di Pavia |
Business Administration (MSc) Economics (MSc) |
Prof. B. Schipp |
IT |
Università degli Studi di Trento |
Literature, Culture and Societal Change (MA), European Languages (MA), Art History (MA), History (MA), Philosophy (MA) |
Prof. A. De Cesare Greenwald/ Prof. E. Tiller |
PhF |
IT |
Università degli studi di Verona |
History of Art (MA) |
Prof. J. Müller |
PhF |
Master in Intellectual Property and Data Law (LL.M.) |
Prof. A. Lauber-Rönsberg |
FR |
INSA - Institute national des sciences appliquées de Rennes |
Distributed Systems Engineering (MSc) |
Prof. C. Fetzer |
UA |
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (KPI) |
Distributed Systems Engineering (MSc) |
Prof. C. Fetzer |
EuI |
UA |
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (KPI) |
Electrical Engineering (MSc) |
Dr. H. Wohlrabe |
FR |
Groupe des Écoles Centrales |
Electrical Engineering (MSc), Renewable Energy Systems (Diploma), Information Systems Engineering (Diploma), Mechatronics (Diploma) |
Prof. E. Altinsoy |
MN |
Che |
FR |
Chemistry (MSc) |
Prof. T. Doert |
ZE |
BE |
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Nanobiophysics (MSc), Nanoelectronic Systems (MSc), Organic and Molecular Electronics (MSc) in the ERASMUS Mundus Joint Master Degree Program Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
Prof. G. Cuniberti, Anne Chesneau |
IHI Zittau |
CZ |
TU Liberec (Central European Campus Nisa/Neisse) |
International Management (MSc) |
Prof. S. Eckert |
Univerzita Pardubice |
HU |
Andrássy Gyula Budapesti Német Nyelvû Egyetem |
PL |
Universytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu (currently suspended) |
RU |
Saint Petersburg State University of Economics (currently suspended) |
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Academic Exchange
NameDr. Franziska Teckentrup
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International Office
International Office
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 162 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden
Office hours by phone:
- Tuesday:
- 14:30 - 16:30
- Thursday:
- 13:30 - 16:30