04.11.2020 - 16.12.2020; Veranstaltungsreihe

Lecture Series: Cooperation in Water Management - Tackling a Global Challenge

The new weekly online lecture series in cooperation with UNU FLORES and University Bonn deals with current problems of water management. International partners of the TU Dresden (e.g. University of San Carlo Guatemala, University of Bonn incl. UNESCO Chair, TU Delft, University of Ghana, ...) will alternately lecture on relevant topics on Wednesdays.

Veranstaltungsreihe übernehmen

04.11.2020; Vortragsreihe

Resource Nexus in Latin America — Sustainable Management of Wastewater and Sludge in Decentralised Areas

Redner Dr Serena Caucci, Senior Research Associate at UNU-FLORES & Dr. Jorge Cifuentes, San Carlos University of Guatemala (USAC)
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

11.11.2020; Vortragsreihe

Cooperation in Research and Education: Climate - Water – Environmental Risk

Redner Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers, Ecohydrology and Water Resource Management at University Bonn
Dr. Zita Sebesvari, Head of Environmental Vulnerability and Ecosystem Services at UNU-EHS
Dr. Yvonne Walz, Associate Academic Officer in the Environmental Vulnerability & Ecosystem Services section (EVES) at UNU-EHS
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

18.11.2020; Vortragsreihe

Capacity Building in Water Management through Research in Myanmar

Redner Dr Nora Van Cauwenbergh (IHE Delft), Dr Thom Bogaard (TU Delft, IHE Delft)
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

25.11.2020; Vortragsreihe

Climate change, WASH service provisioning and the realization of Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in Ghana: enabling effective collaboration between research, private sector and policy

Redner Dr. Gerald Forkuor (UNU-INRA) and Dr. Daniel Nukpezah (UG)
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

02.12.2020; Vortragsreihe

Assessing the enabling environment of SDG 6 with limited evidence through the SDG 6 Policy Support System

Redner Mr. Guillaume Baggio, Research Associate at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
Ms. Olfa Majhoub, Director of the Agricultural Research at the Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA) in Tunisia
Ms. Bareerah Fatima, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

11.12.2020; Vortragsreihe

Water Scarcity Situation in Chile: Opportunity for Water Reuse to Reduce the Water Gap

Redner Andrea Müller, PhD Researcher at UNU-FLORES/ TUD
Ulrike Broschek, Director of Sustainability and Water Solutions at Fundación Chile
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)

16.12.2020; Vortragsreihe

The Bonn Water Network – Addressing water as a crosscutting element of the Sustainable Development Goals

Redner Dr Annabelle Houdret (DIE), Prof. Dr. Mariele Evers (GIUB), Dr. Daniel Tsegai (UNCCD), Dr. Yvonne Walz (UNU-EHS), Dr. Birgit Kemmerling (BICC), Dr Luna Bharati (ZEF/ IWMI), Dr. Srinivasa Srigiri (DIE)
Zeit 14:50 - 16:20 Uhr
Ort Online (Link in the description below)