Sep 25, 2023
This was it: The Tour de Dresden 2023
The second Tour de Dresden of the Career Service took place from September 4 to 7. This year, the kick-off event could be held at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Engineering. A total of 133 students visited up to 7 companies, so that over 416 excursion visits could take place!
At the kick-off, the students got an overview of which employers are interesting for their field of study, which products they offer and which career options they offer. The practice partners:in had the opportunity to introduce their company to all students, even those who did not (could not) book a tour with you. During the week, the students were able to get to know up to 7 companies and research institutes and gained insights into various fields of activity and industries. These insights were considered in the evaluation as a great enrichment of your studies.
The get-together offered the perfect conclusion to the tour, as students were able to talk informally with representatives from the field and try their hand at professional networking.
The Tour de Dresden is ideal for students to get a regional practical orientation and to increase the motivation to study. It offers Dresden-based companies the opportunity to present themselves as attractive employers at the TU Dresden and to draw attention to job prospects in their own companies.