POP-UP-WISSEN - Knowledge creates dialog - the project of the TUD and its partners
Citizens in dialog with scientists - in a transparent, participatory and entertaining way for everyone. Through POP-UP-WISSENsläden, decentralized events at POP-UP-WISSENsorten and virtual activities in the POP-UP-WISSENsnetz, the curiosity of the population in Weißwasser and Dresden was aroused in 2022, questions were answered and future topics were generated. Read more about the BMBF project successfully completed by TU Dresden and its numerous partners for the Science Year 2022 - In demand!

The Science Year 2022 – Participate!
The Science Year, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is breaking new ground in 2022: This year, the focus is not on a single topic, but on all the questions asked by citizens under a hashtag translating MyQuestionforScience – #MeineFragefürdieWissenschaft. What is important to us? What do we want to achieve as individuals, what as a society? How do we pursue these goals? Science and research are in the process of changing. They systematically enter into an exchange with society, and questions of reputation and relevance are posed in a new and different way.
That is where the Science Year 2022 - Participate! comes in: The public is invited to enter into an open dialog at eye level with stakeholders from science and research. The current Science Year is revolving around questions posed towards the world of science. They may be specific, relevant to everyday life or visionary — the diversity of the issues, visions, and questions will characterize the new Science Year. The aim is to make research processes tangible and to open up new scientific fields and research projects.
The Science Year 2022 in Weißwasser and Dresden
“POP-UP KNOWLEDGE – Knowledge creates dialog” is a joint project of TU Dresden, the municipal museums and libraries of the city of Dresden, the municipality of Weißwasser, the association Station Weißwasser and numerous other partners. It aims to establish new forms of participatory research and equal, tangible and accessible science communication – relevant to people's lives and specifically encouraging them to get involved. To this end, the partners are focusing on two exemplary areas: the Saxon State Capital Dresden as an urban area and the East Saxon region around Weißwasser as a rural area.
In the project, "pop-up" — "suddenly appearing" — stands for the appearance of science and research in empty or inanimate places and corners, or in places where science and research have previously had little presence.
The local activities include centralized and decentralized events in Dresden and Weißwasser:
- The POP-UP KNOWLEDGE store in Weißwasser revitalizes a currently existing vacancy with a pop-up store. It offers space for participatory engagement, exhibitions, experiments and discourse. In Dresden, the Palitzsch Museum, the Technische Sammlungen Museum and the municipal libraries will take on this role. They are developing a variety of participation options, which will enhance the visibility of the project as a whole.
- POP-UP KNOWLEDGE locations may include clubs, other museums, shopping malls, pedestrian zones, parks, etc. At these venues, science is brought directly to the people in their everyday lives with hands-on experiments and demonstrators that will pique their interest.
- These opportunities are complemented by virtual resources on the project website, on the websites of the cooperation partners, and in social media — the POP-UP KNOWLEDGE network. Information material for multipliers such as teachers or associations is also made available here.