Collection of Historical Electrical Machines

Direct Current Motor, O. L. Kummer & Co. Dresden, around 1890
The collection contains more than 70 objects, which document the development of industrial electrical engineering from its beginnings in the 1870s until the present. The focus is on direct current machines, which were manufactured until the turn of the century for use in industry, crafts and trade. These include the originals of famous manufacturers like Siemens & Halske, Deutsche Edison-Gesellschaft, AEG, Kummer & Co. and Siemens-Schuckert-Werke. The collection is supplemented by early alternating current and three-phase current machines, as well as by cutaway models of modern electrical machines. The Institute of Electrical Power Engineering was destroyed in 1945, but many machines were recovered from the debris and gradually restored. Most of the devices are on display in the Görges Building, parallel to the exhibition in the Altana Gallery.
F. Dittmann, Die Sammlung Historischer Elektromaschinen, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz der Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden 1996, p. 109-116.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institute of Electrical Power Engineering
Görges-Bau, Helmholtzstr. 9
Dr. Nicol Hildebrand, Phone +49 351 463-33188