Zoological Teaching Collection

Vipera ammodytes
The Zoological Teaching Collection consists of a historical collection and a teaching collection. The teaching collection is essential for the practical training of biologists and biotechnologists and is also used by landscape architects and physicians. The historical collection is subdivided into cartographical material, a wet collection, plaster models and an insect collection of donated local coleoptera (beetles), among other things. The “practical” part of the collection includes specimens stored in alcohol, insects, mollusc shells (collected during excursions), skulls, hides, mounted mammals, a parasitological section and permanent specimens from all groups of organisms. The collection was re-established in 1994 with the founding of the current Institute of Zoology. The core of the collection consists of specimens that have been returned from Dresden’s Museum of Zoology.
Faculty of Biology, Institut of Zoology
Seminargebäude 2, Zellescher Weg 20
Dr. Stefanie Wiedmer, Phone +49 351 463-36949