Publications by the Office on the Collections of TUD
Please note: Only English publications are listed here. For the German publications please switch to the German page.
Scientific and Art Collections. TUD Dresden University of Technology
ed. by the Rector of TUD
200 pages, 225 most coloured Figures
ISBN 978-3-95498-820-4
Bookstore price: 20 €
The extensive natural science and engineering collections as well as the significant art holdings of TUD Dresden University of Technology document almost 200 years of history of knowledge transfer and generation. The publication "Scientific and Art Collections" presents twelve TU Dresden collections in detail for the first time. In her introduction, Kirsten Vincenz, Director of the Office for Academic Hertitage at the TUD, highlights the developments of recent years and the perspectives of university collections.
The printed version can be ordered from the Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections of TUD (), the publishing house Sandstein Kommunikation or in bookstores.
Open Access edition:
DOI 10.25368/2024.142
Collections of the TU Dresden
ed. by the Office for Academic Heritage of TU Dresden.
The collection booklet presents the 40 collections of the TUD Dresden University of Technology with information about the holdings and contact persons. Richly illustrated, it gives an impression of the diversity of the university's teaching and research objects.