For Students
Equal Opportunities Officers serve as contacts for all members and associates of the Faculty of Medicine, including students. We are particularly concerned with helping you to balance studies and family life as well as with upholding a discrimination-free Faculty. To this end, we collaborate with the Medi-Eltern, the MITZ and the Carus Campus.
Table of contents
Maternity protection during studies
The amended Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) entered into force on January 1, 2018. Pregnant school pupils and university students are now protected under this act. The university is required to notify the Saxon State Directorate of any pregnant students. Moreover, the university must review degree programs and study schedules for potential risks to pregnant persons and their unborn children without specific occasion. It guarantees this by issuing risk assessments via those responsible for providing proof of credits earned for each individual course that pregnant or nursing individuals may want to attend. The risk assessments for individual courses can be found in the ePortal/materinty protection matters. In addition, individual risk assessments must be created for courses that a pregnant or nursing individual would actually like to attend. Depending on the results of the risk assessment, it will either be determined that a course can be attended without restriction, or the credit points can be earned via an alternative or replacement assignment, or taking into consideration special measures of protection. In the case of unavoidable risk, it may be deemed impossible. The amended MuSchG enables pregnant and nursing individuals to decide for themselves whether they would like to take their examinations during the period of protection. Universities must establish subject-specific solutions at the structural level so that this flexibility does not become a burden to those affected. At our Faculty, this task falls within the responsibility of the Office for Teaching. Should you experience discrimination in conjunction with your pregnancy, please contact us!
Additional information
Studying with a child
The Student Union (Studentenwerk) offers a comprehensive service for all issues surrounding studying with a child or children, including advising, financial issues, food for children in the canteens, nursing and changing stations on campus and more More information on studying with a child
Do you have questions about balancing your studies with family life or maternity leave and protection? Have you witnessed or experienced discrimination at university? Please do not hesitate to contact us!
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