Start-up Funding 2025
Precisely Controlled 2D Monolayer Engineering based on Metal-Organic Polyhedron and Applications
This project aims to engineer precisely controlled 2D monolayers based on metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs). Discrete 0D MOPs with intrinsic pores have been extensively studied as supramolecular building blocks (SBBs) for constructing various metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) through connections with N-donor ligands. Since the size of the MOP determines the thickness of the monolayer, incorporating MOPs with different polyhedral structure is expected to enable precise control over the thickness of the resulting material. The intrinsic porosity of MOPs, combined with flexible N-donor ligands, is anticipated to confer unique properties on the resulting 2D monolayers. These features are expected to open new avenues for applications such as storage and filtration, where channel sizes can be precisely tuned in response to external stimuli, providing distinct advantages over conventional 2DMs. Furthermore, the numerous exposed metal sites on the 2D monolayers are expected to provide excep-tional catalytic performance.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Eunji Jin