Sep 17, 2019
Chemist Stefan Kaskel from TU Dresden appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University (Beijing)
In recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements, Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel of TU Dresden has been awarded a three-year Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Tsinghua University in Beijing is the leading technical and scientific university in China and is one of the most renowned and best universities in the country.
Stefan Kaskel (50) is the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I at TU Dresden since 2004. His scientific work focuses on research of advanced inorganic materials for energy applications, battery- and photovoltaic materials as well as environmental and electro catalysis. Since 2008, he is also the Head of the Chemical Surface and Reaction Technology department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) in Dresden. Stefan Kaskel among the world's renowned experts in metal-organic frameworks. Clarivate Analytics and Thomson Reuters have repeatedly included Prof. Kaskel in their list of "Highly Cited Researchers". For his scientific work in the field of energy storage materials, he was honoured in 2016 with the renowned JSPS Award of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. July 2019, he was appointed member of the European Academy of Science. Furthermore, Prof. Kaskel is a member of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), DECHEMA, the American Chemical Society and Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society.
Being a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University enables Prof. Kaskel to further expand scientific cooperation with China in the field of energy materials. For Prof. Kaskel, the visiting professorship is both a great honour and a challenge: "The dynamics at Tsinghua University are impressive and a great motivation to accelerate innovative technologies for the Energiewende and the German market."
Media Inquiries
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kaskel
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Tel.: 0351 463-34885