- M. Bodirsky, M. Mamino, and C. Viola. Piecewise Linear Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Fixed Number of Variables. 2020. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2020 (CTW2020). Preprint available at
- M. Bodirsky, M. Mamino, and C. Viola. Piecewise Linear Valued CSPs Solvable by Linear Programming Relaxation. 2019. Submitted for journal publication. Preprint available at
- M. Bodirsky, M. Mamino, and C. Viola. Submodular Functions and Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems over Infinite Domains. In Proceedings of the 27th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL), pages 12:1–12:22, 2018. Available at
- S. T. Chapman, P. A. Garcìa-Sànchez, Z. Tripp, C. Viola, Measuring primality in numerical semigroups with embedding dimension three, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 15, No. 1 (2016), 165007, DOI: 10.1142/S0219498816500079.
- P. A. García-Sánchez and C. Viola, When the catenary degree agrees with the tame degree in numerical semigroups of embedding dimension three, Involve, Vol. 8(2015), No. 4, 677–694, DOI: 10.2140/involve.2015.8.677.