Žaneta Semanišinová
I am a PhD student at the Institute of Algebra at the TU Dresden since October 2021. My supervisor is Manuel Bodirsky. Since May 2023, I am part of ERC Synergy Grant POCOCOP. I am interested in constraint satisfaction problems and related universal-algebraic and model-theoretic questions. Currently, I am working mostly on infinite-domain valued constraint satisfaction problems.
I did my bachelor and master studies in mathematics at the Charles University in Prague. My diploma thesis was devoted to universal-algebraic commutator theory in loops. In Prague, I also taught undergraduate Number Theory course for two semesters (my old teaching website, in Czech & Slovak).
- M. Bodirsky, É. Bonnet, Ž. Semanišinová. Temporal Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Preprint on arXiv.
- M. Bodirsky, P. Jonsson, B. Martin, A. Mottet, Ž. Semanišinová. Complexity Classification Transfer for CSPs via Algebraic Products. SIAM Journal on Computing, 2024. DOI 10.1137/22M1534304, arXiv.
- M. Bodirsky, Ž. Semanišinová, C. Lutz. The Complexity of Resilience Problems via Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2024. DOI 10.1145/3661814.3662071, arXiv.
- J. Rydval, Ž. Semanišinová, M. Wrona. Identifying Tractable Quantified Temporal Constraints within Ord-Horn. 51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2024.
DOI 10.4230/LIPIcs.ICALP.2024.151, arXiv. - Ž. Semanišinová, D. Stanovský. Three concepts of nilpotence in loops. Results in Mathematics, 2023. DOI 10.1007/s00025-023-01882-x, arXiv.
- Ž. Semanišinová. Paramedial quasigroups of prime and prime square order. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2022. DOI 10.1142/S0219498822502346, arXiv.
*invited talks and invitational events
- Research Seminar in Discrete Mathematics and Algebra, Freiberg, Germany, February 2025.
Talk: Valued Constraints over Infinite Domains. Slides. - Algebra seminar, Dresden, Germany, October 2024.
Talk: Valued Constraints over Infinite Domains. Slides. - CWC 2024*, Kolfuschg, Italy, September 2024.
- LICS 2024, ICALP 2024 and collocated workshops, Tallinn, Estonia, July 2024.
Talk (workshop Trends in Arithmetic Theories)*: Identifying Tractable Quantified Temporal Constraints. Slides.
Talk (workshop Women in Logic): Classification Transfer for CSPs via Algebraic Products. Slides.
Talk (LICS): The Complexity of Resilience Problems via Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Slides. - AAA105, Prague, Czech Republic, May/June 2024.
Talk: Identifying Tractable Quantified Temporal Constraints within Ord-Horn. Slides. - Algebra seminar at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia, February 2024.
Talk: Constraint satisfaction problems: an algebraic approach to classifying computational complexity. Slides. - Combinatorial Problems in Model Theory and Computer Science, Leeds, United Kingdom, November 2023.
Talk*: Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Resilience in Database Theory.
Slides. - CWC 2023*, Weissensee, Austria, September 2023.
- Algebra Week, Siena, Italy, July 2023.
Talk*: Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Resilience in Database Theory. Slides. - AAA103, Tartu, Estonia, June 2023.
Talk: Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Resilience in Database Theory. Slides. - Spring school of the Department of Algebra, Železnice, Czech Republic, March 2023.
Talk: Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem and Resilience in Database Theory. Slides. - PALS (Panglobal Algebra and Logic Seminar), online, January 2023.
Talk: Complexity classification transfer for CSPs via algebraic products. Slides. - Visiting reseacher at the Institute for Algebra, JKU Linz, Austria, September/October 2022.
- CWC 2022*, Molveno, Italy, September 2022.
Talk: Constraint Satisfaction Problems of First-Order Expansions of Algebraic Products. - AAA102, Szeged, Hungary, June 2022.
Talk: Constraint Satisfaction Problems of First-Order Expansions of Algebraic Products. Slides. - Spring school of the Department of Algebra, Lomnice nad Popelkou, Czech Republic, May 2022.
Talk: Constraint Satisfaction Problems of First-Order Expansions of Algebraic Products. Slides. - AlMoTh 2022, Bremen, Germany, March 2022.
- Fall school of the Department of Algebra, Telecí, Czech Republic, November 2021.
Talk: Paramedial quasigroups of prime and prime square order. Slides. - International Seminar, Dresden, Germany, October 2021.
Talk: Supernilpotent loops. Slides. - LOOPS 2019, Budapest, Hungary, July 2019.
Talk: Paramedial quasigroups of prime and prime square order. Slides (contain some mistakes, revised results are for example in these slides).
Willersbau, Room B117
Zellescher Weg 12 - 14, 01069 Dresden