Cultural Programme
On saturday evening (February 28) there is the possibility to visit some cultural events in Dresden. Here a short overview:
Schauspielhaus: Schöne neue Welt (19:30 - 22:15)
Kleines Haus 1: Supergute Tage oder Die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone (19:30 - 21:45)
Opera (Semperoper):
Giulio Cesare in Egitto / Julius Cäsar in Ägypten (19:00)
Church Frauenkirche:
BACHzyklus, Konzert XII: "Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ" (20:00)
Red double decker city sightseeing busses: They stop at the important sights. Tickets are sold on the streets at a lot of places in the city center.