Jul 11, 2019
2nd French-German Summer School «Galois Theory and Number Theory»
2nd French-German Summer School
«Galois Theory and Number Theory»
July 13-19, 2019
TU Dresden
The summer school aims to give an introduction to contemporary Galois theory and its connections with number theory.
Galois theory, on the one side, can be seen as the study of polynomial equations in one variable via their symmetries. Of particular importance is the study of irreducible polynomials and irreducible specializations of polynomials like in the celebrated Hilbert's irreducibility theorem. Number theory, on the other side, studies topics involving natural numbers: for example the distribution of prime numbers, or integer solutions to polynomial equations.
The school will offer three courses that will lead the students to the current state of the art in Galois theory and its interaction with number theory. The contents of the courses have been chosen and arranged in series of lectures (five to seven 90 minute lectures for each course) by the organizers, who will deliver these lectures together with invited renowned experts. The last talk of each course will be an introduction, and an invitation, to some cutting-edge research direction on the topic.
The summer school is funded by the Franco-German University with partial support from TU Dresden.
organized by
Arno Fehm (TU Dresden)
Lior Bary-Soroker (Tel Aviv University)
Pierre Dèbes (Université de Lille)
Arno Fehm (TU Dresden, Institute of Algebra)