Nov 10, 2021
Information regarding the winter term 2021/2022

Course catalog and 3G rule in teaching
3G Rule: Proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test is required to access all buildings and rooms on the TUD campus in Dresden, Tharandt and Zittau as well as to participate in any on-site teaching activities.
Contact tracing: It is compulsory to employ contact tracing in all courses via the Corona Warn App (contact tracing)
General Information regarding COVID-19
- +++ TUD-Corona-Ticker +++
- Current Information on Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Winter semester 2021/22
In the 2021/22 winter semester, significantly more on-site teaching will be possible. New maximum room occupancy regulations apply from October 4, 2021 as well as for the first-years’ introductory events prior. If room capacity does not allow for all students to attend, teaching must be conducted in a hybrid or digital form. Courses that require on-site teaching for participants to acquire the necessary competences (lab internships) are exempt from the maximum occupancy rules as an exception. The normal, pre-pandemic occupancy rules apply to these courses only while adhering to the German 3G rule (vaccination, recovery or negative test) and to the hygiene regulations.
It is compulsory to employ contact tracing in all courses via the Corona Warn App (contact tracing)
Details can be found in the information provided by the Rectorate and in the general FAQ.
Teaching courses
Online Course Catalog
OPAL-Katalog für die Fakultät Mathematik (WS 21/22)
Lehrangebot für die math. Studiengänge in selma (WS 21/22)
For further information we refer to the german version of this website.