arXiv | Google Scholar | ORCID | MathSciNet |
[87] |
The Liouville property and random walks on topological groups (joint with Martin Schneider) preprint [arXiv] |
[86] |
Aspects of p-adic operator algebras (joint with Anton Claußnitzer) in preparation |
[85] |
Approximation of functions by neural networks preprint [arXiv] |
[84] |
On the isometrisability of group actions on p-spaces (joint with Maria Gerasimova) preprint [arXiv] |
[83] |
Inapproximability of actions and Kazhdan's property (T) (joint with Gabor Kun) preprint [arXiv] |
[82] |
Universal solvability of group equations (joint with Martin Nitsche) preprint [arXiv] |
[81] |
Short Laws for Finite Groups of Lie Type (joint with Henry Bradford) preprint [arXiv] |
[80] |
Word images in symmetric and unitary groups are dense |
[79] |
Asymptotics of Cheeger constants and unitarisability of groups |
[78] |
Stability, cohomology vanishing, and non-approximable groups |
[77] |
On Projections of Free Semialgebraic Sets |
[76] |
A note on the normal subgroup lattice of ultraproducts of finite quasisimple groups |
[75] |
A note on commutators in algebras of unbounded operators (joint with Richard Kadison and Zhe Liu) submitted [pdf | arXiv] |
[74] |
Benjamini-Schramm convergence and pointwise convergence of the spectral measure (joint with Miklos Abert and Balint Virag) pre-print (in preliminary form) [pdf] |
[73] |
Equivariant characteristic forms in the Cartan model and Borel equivariant cohomology (joint with Andreas Kübel) submitted [arXiv] |
[72] |
Unitarizability, Maurey-Nikishin factorization, and polish groups of finite type |
[71] |
Stability and Invariant Random Subgroups |
[70] |
Short Laws for Finite Groups and Residual Finiteness Growth (joint with Henry Bradford) Transactions of the AMS 371 (2019), no. 9, 6447-6462. [DOI arXiv] |
[69] |
Bounded Normal Generation and Invariant Automatic Continuity (joint with Philip Dowerk) Adv. Math. 346 (2019), 124–169. [DOI arXiv] |
[68] |
Operator algebraic approach to inverse and stability theorems for amenable groups (joint with Marcus De Chiffre and Narutaka Ozawa) Mathematika 65 (2019), no. 1, 98–118. [DOI arXiv] |
[67] |
Some geometric properties of metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups (joint with John Wilson) Israel J. Math. 227 (2018), no. 1, 113–129. [DOI arXiv] |
[66] |
Equivariant Differential Cohomology (joint with Andreas Kübel) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), no. 11, 8237–8283. [DOI arXiv] |
[65] |
Finitary approximations of groups and their applications Proc. of ICM 2018 [arXiv] |
[64] |
L²-Betti numbers of totally disconnected groups and their approximation by Betti numbers of lattices (joint with Henrik Densing Petersen and Roman Sauer) Journal of Topology, 11(1), March 2018, 257-282 [DOI arXiv] |
[63] |
On Følner sets in topological groups (joint with Friedrich Martin Schneider) Compositio Mathematica, 154 (7), July 2018 , 1333-1361 |
[62] |
An exotic group as limit of finite special linear groups (joint with Alessandro Carderi) Ann. Inst. Fourier 68 (2018), 257–273. [DOI arXiv] |
[61] |
Some remarks on finitarily approximable groups |
[60] |
Quadratic Modules, C*-Algebras, and Free Convexity (joint with Vadim Alekseev and Tim Netzer) Transactions of the AMS (2017) [DOI arXiv] |
[59] |
Bounded normal generation for projective unitary groups of certain infinite operator algebras |
[58] |
Cantor systems and quasi-isometry of groups |
[57] |
About the solvability of matrix polynomial equations |
[56] |
Spectrahedral Containment and Operator Systems with Finite-Dimensional Realization |
[55] |
About the length of laws for finite groups Israel Journal of Mathematics, 219 (2017), 469–478. [DOI arXiv] |
[54] |
Topological matchings and amenability |
[53] |
New topological methods to solve equations over groups |
[52] |
Measured Group Theory, Abstracts from the Oberwolfach workshop held in August 29- September 03, 2016 (organized jointly with Miklos Abert and Damien Gaboriau) Oberwolfach Reports 13(3) (2016), 2347–2397. [DOI] |
[51] |
C*-algebras, Abstracts from the Oberwolfach workshop held in August 21- August 27, 2016 (organized jointly with Mikael Rørdam, Stefaan Vaes and Dan Voiculescu) Oberwolfach Reports 13(3) (2016), 2269–2345. [DOI] |
[50] |
The expected degree of minimal spanning forests Combinatorica 36 (2016), no. 5, 591–600. [DOI arXiv] |
[49] |
Character rigidity for special linear groups (joint with Jesse Peterson) J. Reine Angew. Math. 716 (2016), 207–228. [DOI arXiv] |
[48] |
Jost Bürgi’s Method for Calculating the Sines (joint with Menso Folkerts and Dieter Launert) Historia Math. 43 (2016), no. 2, 133–147. [DOI arXiv] |
[47] |
Invariant Coupling of Determinantal Measures on Sofic Groups (joint with Russell Lyons) Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 36(2) (2016), 574-607. [DOI arXiv] |
[46] |
Divisibility and Laws in Finite Simple Groups (joint with Gady Kozma) Math. Ann. 364(1), (2016), 79-95. [DOI arXiv] |
[45] |
On the Lévy-Khinchin decomposition of generating functionals (joint with Uwe Franz und Malte Gerhold) Communications on Stochastic Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 4 (2015), 529-544. [publication arXiv] |
[44] |
A new proof of extreme amenability of the unitary group of the hyperfinite II1 factor (joint with Philip Dowerk) Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 22 (2015), no. 5, 837–841. [publication arXiv] |
[43] |
Some remarks on the entropy for algebraic actions of amenable groups (joint with Nhan-Phu Chung) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), no. 12, 8579–8595. [DOI arXiv] |
[42] |
On the length of the shortest non-trivial element in the derived and the lower central series (joint with Abdelrhman Elkasapy) J. Group Theory 18 (2015), no. 5, 793–804. [DOI arXiv] |
[41] |
A note on normal generation and generation of groups Communications in Mathematics 23 (1) (2015) 1-11. [publication arXiv] |
[40] |
Kazhdan’s Property (T) ia semidefinite optimization (joint with Tim Netzer) Experimental Mathematics 24 (3) (2015) 371-374. [DOI arXiv] |
[39] |
Palindromic words in simple groups (joint with Elisabeth Fink) Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 25 (2015), no. 3, 439–444. [DOI arXiv] |
[38] |
A remark about the spectral radius Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2015), no. 10, 2856–2864. [DOI arXiv] |
[37] |
Positivstellensätze for quantum multigraphs (joint with Tim Netzer) J. Algebra 422 (2015), 504–519. [DOI arXiv] |
[36] |
About Gotô’s method showing surjectivity of word maps (joint with Abdelrhman Elkasapy) Indiana Univ. Math. J. 63 No. 5 (2014), 1553–1565. [cite arXiv] |
[35] |
Can you compute the operator norm? (joint with Tobias Fritz and Tim Netzer) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), no. 12, 4265-4276. [DOI arXiv] |
[34] |
Hyperbolic polynomials and generalized Clifford algebras (joint with Tim Netzer) Discrete Comput. Geom. 51 (2014), no. 4, 802–814. [DOI arXiv] |
[33] |
Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups (joint with John Wilson) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 352 (2014), no. 6, 463-466. [DOI arXiv] |
[32] |
On the lattice of normal subgroups in ultraproducts of compact simple groups (joint with Abel Stolz) Proc. London Math. Soc. 108 (2014), no. 1, 73–102. [DOI arXiv] |
[31] |
Entropy, Determinants, and L²-Torsion (joint with Hanfeng Li) J. Amer. Math. Soc. 27 (2014), no. 1, 239–292. [DOI arXiv] |
[30] |
Group Theory, Measure, and Asymptotic Invariants, Abstracts from the Oberwolfach workshop held in August 19-23, 2013 (organized jointly with Miklos Abert and Damien Gaboriau) Oberwolfach Reports 10(3) (2013), 2375-2422. [DOI] |
[29] |
Determinantal representations and the Hermite matrix (joint with Tim Netzer and Daniel Plaumann) Michigan Math. J. Volume 62, Issue 2 (2013), 407-420. [DOI arXiv] |
[28] |
Real Closed Separation Theorems and Applications to Group Algebras (joint with Tim Netzer) Pacific Journal of Mathematics Vol. 263 (2013), no. 2, 435-452. [DOI arXiv] |
[27] |
Convergent sequences in discrete groups Canad. Math. Bull. 56 (2013), no. 2, 424-433. [DOI arXiv] |
[26] |
Applications of Følner's condition to quantum groups (joint with David Kyed) J. Noncommut. Geom. 7 (2013), no. 2, 547–561. [DOI arXiv] |
[25] |
On Ulam stability (joint with Marc Burger and Narutaka Ozawa) Israel J. Math. 193 (2013), no. 1, 109–129. [DOI arXiv] |
[24] |
Normal generation and l²-Betti numbers of groups (joint with Denis Osin) Math. Ann., Volume 355, Issue 4 (2013), 1331-1347. [DOI arXiv] |
[23] |
Algebraic Geometry of Topological Spaces I (joint with Guillermo Cortiñas) Acta Math. 209 (2012), no. 1, 83-131. [DOI arXiv] |
[22] |
Polynomials with and without determinantal representations (joint with Tim Netzer) Linear Algebra and its Applications 437 (2012) 1579–1595. [DOI arXiv] |
[21] |
Is an irng singly generated as an ideal? (joint with Nicolas Monod and Narutaka Ozawa) International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Volume 22, Issue No. 4., (2012) 1250036. [DOI arXiv] |
[20] |
About the metric approximation of Higman's group J. Group Theory, Volume 15, Issue 2 (2012), 301-310. [DOI arXiv] |
[19] |
Integer operators in finite von Neumann algebras J. Topology & Analysis 3 (2011), no. 4, 433–450. [DOI arXiv] |
[18] |
Finite-dimensional Approximations of Discrete Groups, Abstracts from the Oberwolfach workshop held May 15-21, 2011, (organized jointly with Goulnara Arzhantseva and Alain Valette), Oberwolfach Reports, 8(2) (2011), 1429-1467. [DOI] |
[17] |
A remark about the Connes fusion tensor product Theory Appl. Categ. 25 (2011), no. 2, 38-50. [publication arXiv] |
[16] |
Group cocycles and the ring of affiliated operators (joint with Jesse Peterson) Inventiones math., Volume 185, Issue 3 (2011), 561-592. [DOI arXiv] |
[15] |
Tracial algebras and an embedding theorem (joint with Tim Netzer) J. Funct. Anal., Volume 259, Issue 11 (2010), 2939-2960. [DOI arXiv] |
[14] |
A spectral sequence to compute L²-Betti numbers of groups and groupoids (joint with Roman Sauer) J. London Math. Soc., Volume 81 (2010), no 3, 747-773. [DOI arXiv] |
[13] |
Examples of hyperlinear groups without factorization property Groups Geom. Dyn. 4, no. 1 (2010), 195-208. [DOI arXiv] |
[12] |
Low degree bounded cohomology and L²-invariants for negatively curved groups Groups Geom. Dyn. 3, no. 2 (2009), 343-358. [DOI arXiv] |
[11] |
Homology of free quantum groups (joint with Benoit Collins and Johannes Härtel) C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 347, Issues 5-6, March (2009), 271-276. [DOI arXiv] |
[10] |
L²-Betti numbers for subfactors J. Operator Theory, 61:2, (2009), 295-299. [Stable URL arXiv] |
[9] |
Sofic groups and diophantine approximation Comm. Pure Appl. Math., Vol. LXI, (2008), 1155-1171. [DOI arXiv] |
[8] |
L²-cohomology for von Neumann algebras Geom. Funct. Anal., Vol. 18, (2008), 251-270. [DOI arXiv] |
[7] |
Comparison between algebraic and topological K-theory of locally convex algebras (joint with Guillermo Cortiñas) Adv. Math. 218, no 1, (2008), 266-307. [DOI arXiv] |
[6] |
Duality for topological abelian group stacks and T-duality |
[5] |
L²-invariants and Rank Metric C*-algebras and Elliptic Theory II, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser Verlag (2008), 267–280. [DOI arXiv] |
[4] |
Bivariant algebraic K-theory (joint with Guillermo Cortiñas) J. Reine Angew. Math. 610 (2007), 71-123. [DOI arXiv] |
[3] |
On a conjecture of Gottlieb |
[2] |
Algebraic K-theory and locally convex algebras (joint with Joachim Cuntz) Math. Ann. 334 (2006), no 2, 339-371. [DOI arXiv] |
[1] |
Connective E-theory and bivariant homology Thesis, Univ. Münster, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 127 p. (2003), Preprint of the SFB 478, Heft 289, [pdf] |