Jan 14, 2022
Female perspectives on challenges in physics studies and professional life: Get-Together with Dr. Archana Raja on 18.01.2022
Dr. Archana Raja, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, is the invited speaker at the Physikalisches Kolloquium on January 18, 2022. The topic of her talk is "Ultrafast thermal transport at photoexcited 2D van der Waals interfaces" (16:40 Uhr, Zoom. Access data in pdf).
Following the colloquium (6:00 p.m.), students and staff are invited to a get-together with Archana Raja to talk with the speaker in person and share female perspectives on challenges in studies and professional life (6:00 p.m., Zoom. Access data in pdf).
The event is organized by the Equal Opportunities Officer and the Public Relations Officer of the Physics Faculty. We are looking forward to all who would like to participate!