Feb 26, 2018
Dr. Selina Olthof is Eleonore-Trefftz guest professor
We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Selina Olthof as Eleonore-Trefftz guest professor to the IAP! She comes on initiative of the cfaed to the TU Dresden. Dr. Olthof will be integrated in the materials-inspired Paths of the Cluster, mainly Carbon and Organic/Polymer. Moreover, she will be involved in teaching and supervision activities. Her research interest is centered around novel semiconducting materials, based on organic molecules as well as hybrid perovskites.
About Dr. Selina Olthof
Dr. Selina Olthof obtained a M.Sc. in Physics in 2006 at the University of Stuttgart followed by a Ph.D. on the topic of organic semiconductors under Prof. Karl Leo’s supervision from TU Dresden in 2010. After that, she went to Princeton University (USA) for two years, where she worked as a postdoc at the Department of Electrical Engineering with Prof. Antoine Kahn . Since 2012, she has been a Junior researcher (Habilitand) at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in the group of Prof. Klaus Meerholz.
Eleonore Trefftz Programme for Visiting Women Professors
The Eleonore Trefftz Programme for Visiting Women Professors allows women professors to visit faculties for one or two semesters and to represent independently their subject in the fields of teaching and research. The Programme is funded by TUD's Institutional Strategy in the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal and State Governments.
[source: cfaed]