Publications at the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics:
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1693 Entries
Searches for exclusive Higgs and $Z$ boson decays into $J/\psi\gamma$, $\psi(2S)\gamma$, and $\Upsilon(nS)\gamma$ at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 786, p. 134--155, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Searches for heavy $ZZ$ and $ZW$ resonances in the $\ell\ell qq$ and $\nu\nu qq$ final states in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 2018, 3, 009Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for $W' \rightarrow tb$ decays in the hadronic final state using pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 781, p. 327--348, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for $WW/WZ$ resonance production in $\ell \nu qq$ final states in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 2018, 3, 042Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for additional heavy neutral Higgs and gauge bosons in the ditau final state produced in 36 fb$^{−1}$ of pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=13 $ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 01, p. 055Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into a $Z$ boson and another heavy Higgs boson in the $\ell\ell bb$ final state in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 783, p. 392--414, 23 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson decaying into a tau-tau pair , 2018Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Types of Thesis > Master thesis
Search for a new heavy gauge boson resonance decaying into a lepton and missing transverse momentum in 36 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment , 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 5, 401Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates produced in association with a $Z$ boson in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 776, p. 318--337, 20 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for a Structure in the $B^0_s \pi^\pm$ Invariant Mass Spectrum with the ATLAS Experiment , 2018, In: Physical review letters. 120, 20, p. 202007, 18 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for B-L R -parity-violating top squarks in $\sqrt s$ =13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS experiment , 2018, In: Physical Review: D, covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 97, 3, 032003Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into top and bottom quarks at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 11, p. 085, 21 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for charged Higgs bosons decaying via $H^{\pm} \to \tau^{\pm}\nu_{\tau}$ in the $\tau$+jets and $\tau$+lepton final states with 36 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data recorded at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS experiment , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 09, p. 139, 24 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for chargino-neutralino production using recursive jigsaw reconstruction in final states with two or three charged leptons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physical Review: D, covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 98, 9, 092012Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for dark matter and other new phenomena in events with an energetic jet and large missing transverse momentum using the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 01, p. 126Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for dark matter in events with a hadronically decaying vector boson and missing transverse momentum in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 10, p. 180, 22 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 1, 18Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for diboson resonances with boson-tagged jets in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 777, p. 91--113, 23 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states with the ATLAS detector using proton\textendash{}proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {TeV}$ , 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 3, 199Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in final states with two or three leptons at $\sqrt{s}=13\,$TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 12, 995Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric states in scenarios with compressed mass spectra at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physical Review: D, covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 97, 5, 052010Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for exclusive Higgs and $Z$ boson decays to $\phi\gamma$ and $\rho\gamma$ with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 2018, 7, 127Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for flavor-changing neutral currents in top quark decays $t\to Hc$ and $t \to Hu$ in multilepton final states in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}= 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Physical Review: D, covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology. 98, 3, 032002Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for flavour-changing neutral current top-quark decays $t\to qZ$ in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: Journal of High Energy Physics : JHEP . 07, p. 176, 18 p.Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article
Search for heavy particles decaying into top-quark pairs using lepton-plus-jets events in proton\textendash{}proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ $\text {TeV}$ with the ATLAS detector , 2018, In: European Physical Journal C. 78, 7, 565Electronic (full-text) versionResearch output: Contribution to journal > Research article