Research in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Particle physics explores the central questions of our world, which have always interested mankind: What are the fundamental building blocks from which everything is built? Which forces are acting in Nature? Why do nuclei decay and how? How did the universe evolve?

Research in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Particle physics is an area of modern physics and deals with the fundamental building blocks of matter and how these so-called elementary particles interact with each other. Researchers in particle physics are trying to answer fundamental questions of humanity. For this they develop and operate elaborate experiments such as the particle accelerator LHC at CERN in Geneva, where large teams of several thousand scientists from all over the world work together.
In nuclear physics rare nuclear transformations are also investigated at major research facilities, and the physical properties of certain atomic nuclei are determined. The working group participates in the evaluation of current measurement data and participates in experiments on neutrino physics, in particular neutrinoless double beta decay (0nßß decay). Another focus is the development and precision characterization of high-purity radiation detectors.