Studies at the Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics
The lecturers and tutors at the Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics teach experimental and theoretical courses for Bachelor and Master students in Physics. We offer laboratory courses, specialized courses on radiation protection and physics courses for engineering students.
All courses in the specialisation area "Nuclear and Particle Physics" are developed in close relationship to the research programme of the institute.

Overview of Lectures and Seminars
The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics offers courses on recent topics of particle and nuclear physics, as well as for the general education in experimental and theoretical physics in the Bachelor and Master programme.
We regularly offer pro-seminars in English (Bachelor) und seminars on modern research topics (Master/Bachelor) in the field of nuclear and particle physics. All seminars are organised as weekly events during the winter and summer terms. The seminar presentations are prepared by the participating students. Weekly institute seminars und research seminars are mainly for institute members and students working in the research groups of the IKTP.
Past lectures and courses are collected in the