Oral Examination Subjects (Rigorosum)
The following list includes subjects that are available for the Rigorosum or for its replacement* and serves an informative purpose. With good reason, other subjects can be chosen in consultation with the relevant department.
With applying for the opening of doctoral proceedings, the candidate must write and submit a proposal for which two subjects they would like to take their Rigorosum in and which professors or lecturers should be carrying out examinations. The selected subjects should not be too similar and they should, for example, coincide with the candidate’s previous examination subjects that have been taken in previous study programmes (e.g., Master’s). At least one of the subjects must be provided at the school. Which subjects are permitted, will be decided by the Doctoral Committee in consultation with the Chairperson of the respective subject commission. These subjects will not be reported on the doctoral diploma (§ 9 Doctorate Regulations at the School of Science).
In submitting your proposals, please keep in mind that the Rigorosum subjects serve the goal of the doctoral proceedings – earning the degree of Doctor rerum naturalium (Doctor of Science).
* The final oral exam, Rigorosum, can be replaced on request under the following conditions:
1. Proof of participation in doctoral studies at the School of Science according to the Doctorate Regulations at the School of Science (PromO MN).
2. Completion of the required specialist subject study according to § 6 subsection 1 (a) Regulation for “Doctorate Study at the School of Science” with respective subject exams that are awarded with at least the mark “satisfactory” (3,0) at first attempt.
For the evaluation of the examinations and the formation of an equivalent grade for the final § 7 of Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the School of Science is followed.
(§9 subsection 6 Doctorate Regulations at the School of Science).
- Biotechnology
- Cell Biology
- Developmental Biology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Plant Sciences
- Zoology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Biomimetic Materials Chemistry
- Chemical Technology
- Electrochemistry
- Food Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry
- Inorganic Molecular Chemistry
- Macromolecular Chemistry
- Medicinal Biochemistry
- Nanoscience
- Organic Chemistry
- Organic Materials Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Pathobiochemistry
- Photochemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Radiochemistry
- Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry
- Spectroscopy
- Sustainable Chemistry
- Theoretical Chemistry
- General Algebra
- Applied Algebra
- Discrete Mathematics
- Order Structures
- Dynamical Systems – Basic Concepts
- Dynamical Systems – Modern Concepts and Applications
- Functional Analysis
- Methods of Analysis
- Methods of Functional Analysis
- Nonlinear Analysis
- Partial Differential Equations
- Algebraic Topology
- Algebraic Methods in Geometry
- Geometric Group Theory
- Convex Geometry
- Mathematical Finance
- Mathematical Statistics
- Stochastic Calculus
- Stochastic Processes
- Actuarial Science – Forecasting Methods
- Actuarial Science – Risk Models
- Probability Theory with Martingales
- Discrete Optimization
- Continuous Optimization
- Numerical Methods of Partial Differential Equations
- Numerical Methods of Partial Differential Equations – Further Concepts
- Finite-Element-Method – Theory, Implementation and Application
- Scientific Computing – Advanced Aspects
- Scientific Programming – Advanced Aspects
- Mathematical Continuum Mechanics
- Models and Methods of Applied Mathematics
- Models and Methods of Pure Mathematics
- Mathematical Didactic
- Didactic Analysis of Central Topics in the Mathematics Education
- Concepts in Teaching Mathematics
- Solid-state physics
- Particle Physics
- Thermodynamics and Statistics
- Many-body Theory
- Applied Physics
- Computational Physic
- Computational Tools in Quantum Many-Body Physics
- Quantum Electrodynamics
- Quantum phase transitions
- Theory of Soft Condensed Matter
- Theoretical Femtosecond Physics
- Physics with Synchrotron Radiation
- Spectroscopy
- Wave Optics
- X-ray Methods
- Metal Physics
- Scattering Techniques
- Physics under Extreme Conditions
- Standard Model of Particle Physics
- Laser Physics
- Nanotechnolgy
- The Physical Principles of Semiconductor Devices
- The Basics of Plasma Physics
- Highly Charged Ions: Production, Interactions, Applications
- Biophysics
- Molecular Nanostructures
- Theoretical Biophysics
- Chaos and Quantum Chaos
- Theoretical Solid-state Physics
- Theoretical Quantum Optics
- Transport in Nanoscale Systems
- General Theory of Relativity
- Geometric Crystallography
- Plasticity
- X-ray Microscopy
- Solid State Magnetism
- Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces
- Superconductivity
- Origin of Mass and Higgs Physics
- Neutrino Physics
- Physics with Neutrons
- Quantum Field Theory
- Semiconductor Physics
- Ion and Solids Interaction
- Biophysical Methods
- Didactics of Physics
- Physics of Particle Accelerators
- Physics beyond the Standard Model
- Cosmology
- Astroparticle Physics
- Interaction of Particles with Matter and Particle Detectors
- Quantum Chromodynamics
- Statistcal Methods for Data Analysis
- Theoretical Polymer Physics
- Simulation Methods in Soft Condensed Matter
- Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics
- Biological Hydrodynamics
- Stochastic Processes
- Quantum Information
- Semiconductor Quantum Structures
- Astrophysics
- Historical experiments and the history of physics
- Basics of particle optics
- General Psychology
- Work Psychology
- Architectural Psychology
- Biopsychology
- Diagnostics
- Diagnostics and Intervention
- Differential Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Developmental Psychology of Adulthood
- Evaluation Research
- Forensic Psychology
- Research Methodology
- Health Psychology
- Engineering Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Medical Psychology
- Human-computer Interaction
- Motivation and Emotion
- Neuropsychology
- Organizational Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Psycholinguistics
- Social Psychology
- Personnel Psychology
- Personality Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Traffic Psychology
- Psychology of Perception
- Cognitive Psychology