Judith Josupeit

Judith Josupeit M.Sc.
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Professur für Ingenieurpsychologie und angewandte Kognitionsforschung
Professur für Ingenieurpsychologie und angewandte Kognitionsforschung
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg, A222 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
ERASMUS+ Coordination Faculty of Psychology TU Dresden
Member of DIN eV (NA 023-00-04-02 AK) NA Erg Visual Requirements for Displays
Research interests
Self-Driving Carsickness (Motion Sickness Autonomous Driving)
Cybersickness (Visually Induced Motion Sickness in Virtual Reality)
Interindividual Differences
Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality
Josupeit, J. (2024). In rod we trust-The evaluation of a virtual rod and frame test as a cybersickness screening instrument. PLoS ONE, 19(11), Article e0313313. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0313313
Josupeit, J., & Greim, L. (2024). The optokinetic nystagmus as a physiological indicator of cybersickness - A vergence-based evaluation. In C. Stephanidis, M. Antona, S. Ntoa, & G. Salvendy (Eds.), HCI International 2024 Posters (Vol. 2116, pp. 58-66). Springer Nature Switzerland.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61950-2_7
Josupeit, J., & Andrees, F. (2024). Inside the black box: Modeling a Cybersickness Dose Value through built-in sensors of head-mounted displays. In K. Nakamatsu, S. Patnaik, & R. Kountchev (Eds.), AI Technologies and Virtual Reality (Vol. 382, pp. 121-136). Springer Nature Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-9018-4_9
Josupeit, J. (2023). Cybersickness as the virtual reality sickness questionnaire (VRSQ) measures it!? -an environment-specific revision of the VRSQ. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/frvir.2023.1291078
Josupeit, J. (2023) Does Pinocchio get cybersickness? - The mitigating effect of a virtual nose on cybersickness. Conference Presentation. AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Design, Engineering, and Computing, Hawaii, USA, December 4-6 AHFE International. https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1004445
Josupeit, J. (2023). Let's get it started: Eye tracking in VR with the Pupil Labs eye tracking add-on for the HTC Vive. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 15(3):10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16910/jemr.15.3.10
Josupeit J. & Helmert R. J (2023). Du hast den Dreh raus! – Wissens-erwerb und Kennenlernen mittels einer aktivierenden Lerneinheit in der digitalen Lehre. In: Perspektiven auf Lehre. Journal for Higher Education and Academic Development, 3(1), 31–38.DOI: 10.55310/jfhead.33
Barnes K., Yu A, Josupeit J., & Colagiuri B. (2019) Deceptive but not open label placebos attenuate motion-induced nausea Journal of Psychosomatic Research (125) 109808
Josupeit, J. (2024) Mitigate and Predict Cybersickness Susceptibility - A Systematic and Transparent Evaluation of Working Mechanisms. Presentation 8th International Conference on Visually Induced Motion Sensations, Toronto, Canada (November 20-22)
Josupeit, J., & Greim, L. (2024). The Optokinetic Nystagmus as a Physiological Indicator of Cybersickness - A Vergence-Based Evaluation. HCI International - Poster presentation
Washington D.C., USA (June 29 - July 4)
Josupeit J. (2024) Do it again! - A paradigm and pilot study for the differentiation of
habituation and adaptation on cybersickness susceptibility TeaP - Poster presentation
Regensburg, Germany (March 17-20)
Josupeit, J. & Andrees, F. (2023) Have you got the moves? - Modeling a Head Movement Based Cybersickness Dose Value. Presentation 13th Specialist Group Conference of AOW and Engineering Psychology 2023, Kassel, Germany (September 12-15)
Josupeit, J. & Andrees, F. (2023) Inside the Black Box: Modeling a Cybersickness Dose Value Through Built-In Sensors of Head-Mounted Displays. Conference Presentation 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, Kumamoto, Japan (July 21-23)
Josupeit J. (2021) A virtual rod and frame test as a screening tool for interindividual differences in susceptibility to cybersickness - Research presentation 12th AOW symposium, Chemnitz, Germany (September 22-24)
Josupeit J., & Schmidt E. (2020) Do Turn Warning Cues and PosturalStabilization Mitigate Passenger Motion Sickness While Reading? TeaP - Symposium "Passenger psychology and automated driving - The impact ofnovel interior concepts on human perception" TeaP, Jena, Germany (March canceled)
Josupeit J., & Schmidt E. (2019) Can direction-specific cues and body stabilization reduce kinetosis while reading during a car ride? 15th Joint Symposium of the German Society for Traffic Psychology e. V. (DGVP) and the German Society for Traffic Medicine e. V. (DGVM), Bonn, Germany, (October 11-12)
Barnes K., Yu A., Josupeit J., & Colagiuri B. (2019) I'm trying to tell you: Open label placebo effects in GVS and VR-induced nausea. Congress on Motion Sickness and the collaborative 15th European Society for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Disorders Meeting, Akureyri, Iceland (July 7-10)
Holder of Saxon Higher Education Didactics-Certificate Plus (330 units)
Teacher's training ABS (EW-SEGS/OS/GY-BW4 and BW5) and BBS (EW-SEBS-BW2 and BW7) Seminar: Digitalisierung in der Schule (Summer Term)
Psychology MA-HPSTS-5 Extended Seminar: Applied Cognitive Research (Winter Term)