E-Learning Module Cognitive Modeling
Project management:
Junior Professor Dr. Stefan Scherbaum
Project coordination:
Dr. Matthias Rudolf and Diana Vogel
Project staff:
- B.Sc. Peggy Wehner
- B.Sc. Theo Schäfer
- B.Sc. Maria Reichert
Experience has shown that the interface between subject-related problems and the methodological tools of psychological research methods causes students considerable difficulties. In order to support the training of students in the subject Methods of Psychology, the Chair of Methods of Psychology developed the e-learning module "Methods of Psychology". The module has been very well received by students, was awarded the Teaching Prize of the Friends and Sponsors of the TU and has also attracted large amounts of attention outside the TU, see ZFHE 6(1), 58-71 or FBZHL of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
As part of the new "Cognitive Modeling" project, the module to support Master's students of psychology in the Cognitive Affective Neuroscience degree program will be expanded to include mathematical cognitive modeling. The further development of the e-learning module will provide Master's students with in-depth practice opportunities in the field of mathematical modeling of cognitive processes, in addition to the courses of the Master's degree program. The presentation of mathematical facts will create a deeper understanding of fundamental relationships through interactive tools that are interlinked with the content texts. These interactive simulations will be implemented as web apps based on R-Shiny.
With the new content, the module will support Master's students on the CAN degree program and also enable future Master's students to prepare for mathematical modeling before they begin their studies.