Research projects
Current projects
At our Chair we are currently conducting research in the following third-party funded projects:
- Project "Die Disruptivität der Anderen" as part of the initiative "Disruption and Societal Change" TUDiSC)
- Project "Digitalisierung als Disruption von Wissenssystemen: Open(ing) Knowledge (DiaDisK)" (as part of the "Disruption and Societal Change" TUDiSC initiative)
- Project "Die Kurzzeit- und Langzeitdynamik kontext-spezifischer Anpassungen kognitiver Kontrolle" (DFG)
- Project "Die Dynamik von Perseveration und Volatilität" (DFG Collaborative Research Center 940 - Project A8)
Completed projects
The following projects have been successfully completed recently:
- Project "Impact" (Volkswagen Foundation)
- Project "Die kontinuierliche Dynamik von Zielen" (DFG)
- Project e-learning module "Methods of Psychology" (Multimedia Fund TU Dresden)
- Project e-learning module"cognitive modeling " (Multimedia Fonds TU Dresden)
- Project "MUVE-STAT: E-Learning Modul für Statistische Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen multivariater Verfahren" (funded by Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen - LiT.Förderung; Hochschule Zittau / Görlitz (Faculty of Social Sciences)