Jan 16, 2025
TUD and Santander promote the health of students - launch of the health pass
The "Dein Gesundheitspass" (Your Health Passport) project, which is part of student health management at the TUD and is sponsored by Santander, will be launched in the summer semester. Students can collect stamps for participating in health-promoting activities and win a cash reward of €100.
"Dein Gesundheitspass" at the TUD Dresden University of Technology
What is "Dein Gesundheitspass"?
The health passport is a prevention project of the Student Health Management at TU Dresden. TU Dresden students can collect at least four stamps from three of six different health areas on an analog stamp card by participating in health-related activities.
The project will start from the summer semester 2025, with a new draw period beginning with each new semester.
Why does the project exist?
The aim of the project is to promote and communicate health literacy in the long term . The primary focus is on the individual, behavior-related health of students. At the same time, however, awareness is to be created for health-promoting working and study conditions and for the health needs of others .
The six health areas in which stamps can be collected were selected on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals in Good Health and Wellbeing(SDGs). These include global goals for sustainability in the development of various areas such as health and wellbeing. In line with these guidelines, the Student Health Management has committed to the six health areas.
How does it work?
The first step to participate is to register on the Santander Open Academy platform (link coming soon). There you will find all the information, documents and proof of your enrollment at the TUD. Then you can get started.
The application is divided into two application phases:
Phase 1 - 01.04.2025 to 31.07.2025:
- Attend health offers: Health-promoting offers for which stamps are collected can be, for example, sports offers from the DHSZ, blood donations or much more. Participants then collect evidence on their stamp card.
- Assignment to health area: Each offer attended is assigned to one of six health areas. These areas are 1) Mindfulness, stress management and self-care, 2) Exercise and nutrition, 3) Healthy studies, 4) Mental stress, conflicts, addiction and suicide prevention, 5) Balancing family and studies and 6) Social commitment. The assignment is the responsibility of the students. For orientation, you will find a catalog with examples of offers per health area on the Santander website (link coming soon). If your offer does not clearly fall into one category, this is not a problem.
- Prepare the stamp field: The corresponding stamp field should also be labeled with the name of the offer or the course you attended and the provider(s).
- Collect stamps: Proof of participation is then obtained from the organizers. Proof can be provided in the form of stamps, signatures, course or participation certificates, invoices or online tests.
Phase 2 - 01.08. to 25.09.2025:
- Submission: in the second application phase, the completed health passport is submitted via the Santander Open Academy platform.
- Prize draw: 50 x € 100 per semester will be raffled off among all complete stamp cards submitted.
Contact us
If you have any questions about the program, please contact the following e-mail address: .
We look forward to supporting you with your individual health project and wish you every success in collecting stamps.