After Graduation
Graduating means saying goodbye to university life, to friends or even Dresden but it does not necessarily have to be a farewell from TU Dresden. From vocational training to start-up help through to offers of the alumni network – we offer numerous possibilities for you to stay in touch with your faculty and your university. The university has its own Alumni Relations Office which assists the TUD alumni with any inquiries and will provide the desired contact information. It is based on the alumni network to which every alumni can subscribe free of charge. The network currently more than 19.000 members and is regularly supported by our Alumni Relations Office.

Alumni services
On our comprehensive alumni website you will be able to view profiles of our Alumni as well as news and the alumni magazine “Kontakt-online”. Members of the alumni network are regularly kept informed via email about events and dates pertaining to their department. This way, alumni are always up-to-date about university life and can benefit from the numerous opportunities of exchange of knowledge and technologies.