Oct 23, 2018
The ZIH will also be represented at SC this year and will present its results and activities in the areas of performance analysis, data intensive computing, and data analytics to the worldwide HPC community. Besides the booth (#827), the ZIH team participates in various scientific events. Two special topics are the online performance analysis and the analysis of the I/O behavior of applications. At the ZIH booth visitors can try out the interactive online analysis prototype VampirLive and directly experience new I/O analysis capabilities of Vampir.
The Supercomputing Conference (SC) in Dallas from 11 to 16 November 2018 is the largest and most important international platform in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) with its comprehensive program on the latest technologies, trends and innovations. The conference program and a large exhibition area offer a wide range of opportunities for exchange on key issues and new developments in the areas of HPC, networking, storage and analysis, as well as on software and hardware development through to applications, research, and system experience.
- Monday, November 12th, 9am - 5:30pm
Ninth Annual Workshop for the Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (EE HPC WG)
Location: SC18/D221
Research poster
Research poster
- Tuesday, November 13th, 5:15am - 7pm (Poster Reception)
Top-Down Performance Analysis of HPC Workflows
Location: SC18/C2/3/4 (Ballroom)