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Digital media for teachers
Training course "Digital storytelling in the context of sustainability"
We live in a time when the stories we tell and the way we tell them have immense power. "Good" stories can create real-life connections, develop research and listening skills and promote empathy.
The climate crisis concerns us all. Appropriate communication is crucial here. However, sustainability issues are highly complex and uncertain. Under these circumstances, digital storytelling offers an innovative approach to integrate them skillfully into the classroom.
The training course designed is an asynchronous, digital self-study course. It consists of 8 modules with a completion time of 90 minutes. Participants can decide for themselves when and at what pace they want to work through the individual modules.
Focus of the content:
- Theoretical introduction to the "storytelling" method and education for sustainable development
- Characterization of digital (geo)media and story tools
- Guidelines for story analysis
- Development of your own story (story point, formula, curve)
- Reflection and teaching practice
- Participants gain insights into the method of digital storytelling.
- Participants learn important terms, characteristics and criteria of sustainable stories and transfer the theoretical approaches into teaching practice.
- Finally, the participants create their own story.
Would you like to take part? Then follow the link to take part and start whenever you want.
Further information:
- A digital device is required.
- As part of the project "Re-innovation and transfer of digital subject concepts in social science teacher training in the context of digital sovereignty and open educational practices", ReTransfer for short , TU Dresden is involved with the sub-project "Digital storytelling in the context of sustainability" from the didactics of geography. ReTransfer is part of the Competence Center Language/Society/Economy of the competence network, which is funded by the BMBF and financed by the European Union.