Das Fortbildungsprogramm der TU Dresden
Das Programm der Lehrkräfteakademie setzt sich zusammen aus den Fortbildungsangeboten zahlreicher Professuren sowie des Zentrums für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB). Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie Fortbildungen von Wissenschaftler:innen und Dozierenden aus Fachwissenschaften, Fachdidaktiken, Beruflichen Didaktiken und Bildungswissenschaften der TU Dresden. Details zu Teilnahmebedigungen, Anmeldung etc. finden Sie bei den einzelnen Angeboten.
The continuing education program of TU Dresden
The state of scientific knowledge is constantly evolving. This applies to pedagogical and educational research as well as to all the scientific disciplines on which the various teaching subjects are based.
The TU Dresden therefore sees its task not only in the scientific qualification of prospective teachers in the teacher training program, but also in the further qualification throughout the entire professional life of teachers.
TU Dresden offers a wide range of training courses, from didactic or educational science impulses for lesson design to new findings from the subject sciences and current cross-cutting school topics.
The courses cover a wide range of formats, both face-to-face and digital. Information on registration and costs can be found under the individual courses.
TU Dresden offers:
- Subject-specific advanced training in subject didactics and the related disciplines of the teaching subjects(subject-specific advanced training)
- Further training in educational science and school pedagogy
- Further training on cross-cutting school topics such as digitalization, inclusion and heterogeneity, education for sustainable development or civic education
- Training courses for the qualification of mentors in teacher training
In addition to teacher training, TU Dresden also offers further training, e.g.
- for teachers who are aiming for a teaching qualification in an additional subject(extension subject training)
- for lateral entrants to the teaching profession who need to catch up on subject-specific and didactic studies(extra-occupational qualification of teachers, BQL)
- for teachers from abroad who need to catch up on their studies in order to achieve recognition of their professional qualification(adaptation course)