A Software-Driven Assessment Solution
Empowered by Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for Assessing the Architectural Variables of the Built Environment
Ph.D. Project of Ms. Tahere Golgolnia
University as a Microcosm of the city
Introducing Healthy Space Index "HSI" for a Healthier Built Environment
Ongoing Ph.D. Project of Ms. Rana Taher F. Abdelkader
Building Support for Children and Families Affacted by Stroke
Ongoing Ph.D. Project of Ms. Anne-Sophie Schoß
Dresden living situations 60+
Study on the individual life, health and care situation of senior citizens in Dresden aged 60+ (LAB60+)
Handbook and planning aid - dementia-sensitive hospital buildings
Project funding by the Robert Bosch Stiftung
Blue elements in healthcare facilities
Psycho-physiological health benefits of exposure to natural blue elements in healthcare facilities
Ph.D. Project of Ms. Fatemeh Amirbeiki Tafti
Mapping the Days
The relationship between the built environment in day-care centers and the
spontaneous activities of people with dementia
Ph.D. Project of Ms. Congsi Hou
Inclusive learning spaces
Project funding via special funds for inclusion from the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK)
Room concepts of special wards in acute care hospitals for the care of patients with dementia
Evaluation and recommendations for structural design
Ph.D. Project by Ms. Julia Kirch
Promoting mobility: Stroke patients and the design of physical rehabilitation clinics
Ph.D. Project by Ms. Maja Kevdzija
Care situation of people with dementia in acute care hospitals
Ph.D. Project of Mr. Tom Motzek
MATI: Man - Architecture - Technology - Interaction for demographic sustainability
funded by the BMBF, Project Management Agency VDI/VDE
Dementia-sensitive acute care hospitals
Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Architecture in Demographic Change"
funded by the DFG and supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung
Ph.D. Project by Ms. Kathrin Büter