Nov 27, 2023
Interlaboratory Study on concrete rheology

Countless concrete samples are tested using various measuring methods and the results compared
On November 13th, 2023, a comprehensive five-day study on the rheology of concrete was conducted by 36 participants from five different research institutes. Equipped with 12 testing instruments, the focus was on evaluating the rheological properties of ordinary concrete as used in large-scale construction projects. The primary objective was to specify the limitations of each testing instrument in relation to the diverse types of concrete available in the industry. This in-depth investigation provides critical insights into the selection of testing instruments and methodologies recommended for determining the rheological properties of concrete including sustainable concrete such as limestone calcined clay concrete (LC3) and concrete with recycled aggregates.
Ringversuch im Baustofflabor zur Bestimmung der rheologischen Eigenschaften von Beton © André Terpe
This five-day study was conducted within the framework of the DFG-funded priority program SPP2005: Opus Fluidum Futurum - Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase building material systems under the coordination of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine and Dr. Shravan Muthukrishnan. The study received scientific consultancy from Associate Professor Dimitri Feys, a renowned researcher in rheology from Missouri University of Science and Technology (USA). This collaborative effort serves as an example of the collective pursuit of advancing our understanding of concrete rheology within the realms of academic and industrial research.
Timelapse of a testing day © Dominik Junger