Research Field "Engineering Education Research"
Within engineering education, basic subjects play an important role to ensure academic success. By the example of the education of engineering mechanics, various factors are investigated to provide quality assurance of the institutional study conditions, to strengthen the student’s self-reflection and to enable verified encouragement of learners in the introductory study phase. Herein, the interdisciplinary interaction between engineering science, engineering didactics and psychological diagnostics is of particular interest. So far, the efforts in this research field have been awarded with three teaching awards.
Research Projects
(Europäischen Sozialfond)
Cooperation with:
Prof. Dr. Daniel Leising (Technische Universität Dresden)
For the basic modules of the STEM field which are empirically known to be challenging an additional offer is created: the identification of potential dropouts based on surveys in the initial study phase and targeted interventions. Academic success is enhanced very early in three dimensions:
Students with a low dropput probability are strengthened in their learning motivation
Students with an average dropput probability are encouraged by additional
Students with a large dropput probability are "awakened" and possibly informed on alternative study programs.
In total, all students in undergraduate studies benefit from this offer by the improved self-assessment of their own performance.
Vogel, S.: Predicting study progress in a complete cohort of civil engineering students, Diplomarbeit. Institut für Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie sowie Institut für Mechanik und Flächentragwerke, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, 2016
EMSIG (german title E-Learning Management System in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenausbildung) is an acronym for the electronic support of teaching and learning in engineering and it contains the extensive combination of teaching organization and teaching realisation for the sustained improvement of the learning process. The developed and successfully implemented software focuses on aspects of e-learning as well as e-teaching. Main functions of the system are the computer-aided creation of lecture notes and matched exercises as well as the generation of personalized online tests with automated scoring.
Franze, A.: EMSIG – E-Learning Management System in der ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenausbildung. In: HDS Journal (2015), S. 39–45
Awarded the Saxon Teaching Award 2014
Proper visualization of test results helps students in the self-assessment of their performance and examiners in the assessment of their exam. In this project, options of exam evaluation are investigated. This applies to the evaluation of the selectivity and difficulty of separate examination parts as well as the assessment of the entire examination result. A particular focus is set on analyses crossing semester and the study of student "examination trajectories" (cf. figure).
The visual evaluation of examination results can be referred to tasks, examinations, years, cohorts and study programs. Though, the utility and interpretation of particular visualization differs considerably depending on the addressed persons.
Franze, A.: Mehr als ein Kuchendiagramm - Möglichkeiten der Prüfungsauswertung. In: HDS Journal (2016), in print
link to research field "Damage and Fracture Mechanics"
link to research field "Mulitphysical Material Modelling on Mulitple Scales"