Doctorate and Habilite
The doctorate is considered in Germany as an individual research project. You first need to find a professor who is interested in your research topic and supervises your doctorate. In order to receive a doctorate from the TU Dresden, you must in any case have been officially accepted by the respective faculty as a doctoral student, i.e. confirmed by the doctoral committee.
The Habilitation is used as part of an academic examination procedure to determine teaching qualifications in a scientific subject.

Doctorate and habilitation at the faculty of civil engineering
Admission to doctoral studies requires a university degree in a university study program with a study period of eight semesters. An applicant may only be enrolled as a doctoral student at the faculty of civil engineering when he is admitted as a doctoral candidate in the doctoral list by the PhD board of the faculty. Admission to the doctoral list is linked to the obligation of the applicant to obtain a PhD within the next six years at the faculty of civil engineering.
The habilitation is a proof of special qualifications for research and for independent teaching in a professional discipline. Furthermore the habilitation allows to get a teaching license and to add the additional title „habil.“