Mar 15, 2021
First call for federal programme transnational cooperation 2021-2027
The German Federal Ministry of Interior, Building and Community supports transnational cooperation projects with thematic priorities of special interest to the Federal Government.
The applications should clearly contribute to the spatial development policy of the federal government or the respective federal states as well as to the objectives and measures of the transnational Interreg programmes in the funding period 2021-2027.
The funding is aimed at German organisations that intend to develop and apply for a transnational Interreg project in the role of Lead partner in a first call for projects for the funding period 2021-2027.
Funding is provided only for transnational Interreg projects from the six programme areas with German participation: Alpine Space, Danube Region, Central Europe, North Sea Region, Northwest Europe and Baltic Sea Region. Projects from cross-border programme areas (Interreg A) or interregional projects (Interreg Europe) are not eligible for funding.
An appropriate own contribution from the beneficiary is expected. The maximum value of grant is € 25,000
The next deadline for submitting applications for the federal programme is Friday, 23 April 2021.
Detailed information and a link to the application forms can be found at (German only):
For further steps please contact:

Head of Unit "International Cooperation"
NameMs Natalia Anekina
INTERREG (SN-CZ, CE, Interreg Europe)
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden