CIPSEM call 2021/22 is now open!
In support of the Sustainable Development Goals, Technische Universität Dresden is offering a range of integrated environmental management courses in 2021 (online) and 2022 (format to be defined).
The Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) offers a range of integrated and multi-disciplinary training programs in support of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, covering several concepts like sustainability, environmental management, and nature-based solutions. CIPSEM has designed these courses to prepare and improve professionals' skillsets for their environment-related planning, coordination and management tasks within ministries, agencies and local government units, NGOs, organisations, and institutions of their home countries. The systemic, interdisciplinary approach adopted by CIPSEM adequately considers the complexity of managing environmental resources in a multifaceted way, while focusing on local strategies and appropriate measures to protect the environment in a manner that is ecologically, socio-economically and culturally sound. Cross-disciplinary elements such as good scientific work, science-policy interfaces and joint social activities link the modular system and create the essential key competencies for modern, sustainable management of the rural and urban environment.
For this purpose, 21 experts from mostly 21 different countries are invited to attend each course. All courses target professionals from government agencies, science, economy or civil society who already bear responsibility for sustainable development in developing countries, including those with economies in transition. Our participants have several years of relevant professional experience and apply for the training with their local institutions' support. The course language is English.
The postgraduate courses are organised in partnership with UNEP and UNESCO to support the Agenda 2030 with funding and support from the German Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Environment Agency (UBA). Through this postgraduate programme, both facilitators and participants can improve their cross-cultural skills, work in a global context and learn how to work collaboratively with others from various backgrounds. Thus, CIPSEM offers an excellent opportunity for colleagues working at the national, regional, or local levels to expand networks, learn from each other and be more effective leaders.
The call for applications for courses in 2021/22 is open now:
82nd UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Short Course on Integrated Water Resources Management (SC82)
Application period: 02 March - 13 April 2021
Course period: 06 September - 15 October 2021 ONLINE
83rd UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Short Course on Sustainable Mobility (SC83)
Application period: 02 March - 13 April 2021
Course period: 01 November - 10 December 2021 ONLINE
45th UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries (EM45)
Application period: 01 April - 12 May 2021
Course period: 12 January - 14 July 2022 (format to be defined)
Find out more here: https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/cipsem
Apply here: https://apply-unep-unesco-bmub-courses.de
Dr. Katharina Stein
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
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